![]() Greetings friends as we journey together through this fundamental and very rapid transformation of our society…and in the blink of a cosmic eye everything we have taken for granted has changed. Despite knowing that 2020 would bring the most dramatic shifts in 500 years courtesy of Saturn & Pluto meeting in Capricorn, I am just as shocked as everyone as to the magnitude of what has now come to pass since January. In mythology Gaia the Great Earth Mother married Ouranos Sky God and they gave birth to the Gods who would rule over us. Ouranos who we now call Uranus is known as ‘the Father of Archetypes’ and he operates through CHAOS as he seeds the new from the detritus of the old forms. 2020 is remarkable for bringing together 3 main planet cycle shifts, starting with Saturn/Pluto in Cap in January, then Saturn stepping into Aquarius on the March 23rd New Aries Moon, and now Jupiter meets Pluto in Cap as we head into April. So as old cycles end and new ones begin please remember we are at a DAWN or new beginning, which always offers the promise of hope for the future in the midst of the chaotic painful birth process! If you’d like to catch up on my Feb & March updates including the C Virus story scroll down past this post
Before I head into the April story I’d like to give a huge shout out to my dear friend John Edward who has been so supportive of my work over this past 14 years. He is a truly generous Soul who offers his Evolve on-line Community as a rich source of tools for conscious evolution. Many thanks to those he has sent my way for your kind donation for my 2020 Global Astrology Report & Horoscopes. April opens with a bang as activator Mars joins Saturn in Aquarius to kick start an amazing wave of clever inventive ways to not only cope with this new scenario, but also to step right up and begin re-inventing ourselves. Aquarius after all is the sign of the inventor and futurist. Mars now adds another dose of AIR to what has been the darker heavier Capricorn forces AND
I am very excited about all this AIR coming back into the astro-scape as AIR brings us ideas & information & solutions and also offers a chance for us to step up into greater objectivity as we pass through this ‘eye of the needle’ between the past and the future that is 2020. So at best the combo of Mars with Saturn can trigger community spirit that brings us together in the spirit of we are seriously all in this together and practicing random acts of kindness as never before. Here’s a great article about how our 2 political parties in Oz are co-operating rather than yelling at each other as usual! And this essay is the very best I have read over these many weeks about this whole process – well worth a read! I wish I had the skill to bring it all together as well as this gentleman! Downside here between April 1st and 4th can be pretty heavy as people may lash out in their fear looking for something/one to blame for their feelings of powerlessness. It will also bring things to a head in some way – the ‘eye of the storm’ perhaps as this wave of the virus reaches its peak over the next 2 weeks? The impact of social distancing (Saturn Aquarius) may really kick in as cabin fever strikes and feelings of isolation are intense. So rather than allowing your buttons to be pressed just do your breathing and centering and use your mantra “I am safe – all is well” even if you have to say this 100 times a day lol. This should start passing once Mars moves away from Saturn as April unfolds. Mars leaves Aqua in mid May and then moves into Pisces. Please remember that if we have the luxury of self-isolation in a home with food we are the lucky ones!!!!!!! Countless billions of people are poor and have no access to medical care and social support so count your blessings if you are like me…a lucky one! Yes I live alone so am used to being a hermit and my beautiful Ziggy cat is getting and giving so many hugs!! I have also been on the phone heaps and lots of emails and Skype chats with people all over the planet so I am fine and grateful. Ziggy is sending purrs to you from his pic at the end of this little report! And then we have expansive growth planet Jupiter joining power planet Pluto also in early April for the first of their three meetings this year (the second retrograde pass in late June and final connection in November.) So these are the dudes who are driving the deeper evolutionary growth potential, and as Jupiter often brings his gifts as opportunity disguised as loss it can be very helpful to know that in the midst of all this chaos (Saturn in Aquarius) and destruction (Pluto in Capricorn) that as Jupiter & his brother Pluto join forces they will forge powerful fresh vision and purpose as the year goes by. Scroll down for my little Rave about Pluto after the next bit… Mercury is still in Pisces ( yes it feels like forever since early Feb with his retrograde here) and joins Neptune also on April 4th, and I see this also as a kind of ‘peak infection’ moment as this falls on the Moon in Pisces of the Millennium Horoscope I discussed back in February. As Mercury is information and Pisces can bring confusion and misinformation try and stay sanguine as rumors or news may feed into insecurities. Once again this passes quite quickly and by April 11th Mercury thankfully finally leaves Pisces and heads into Aries until April 28th and we step out of the Piscean fog. You will find your ‘mind and mouth’ become clearer and more assertive. The Full Moon on April 8th falls @ 18 degrees with Sun in Aries opposite Moon in Libra. This Full Moon brings the release or full point from the Aries New Moon back on March 24th when the shite really started fitting the fan…so to speak. So once again we may see some kind of maximum expression of the impact on our society here, as both Jupiter and Pluto are in hard aspect. On the upside Mars in Aquarius rules the Full Moon and he is in great aspect with Venus in Gemini to stimulate us with positive ideas and connections. The New Moon on April 23rd @ 3 degrees Taurus is right on top of change agent Uranus and in hard aspect to the Mars/Saturn combo in Aquarius. So we may expect the unexpected on this one. Taurus rules money systems, food & agriculture & the environment. Uranus brings us sudden and unexpected developments & breakthroughs so our current global situation could change dramatically. Perhaps this is the peak and things level off quite quickly. Here’s to that scenario thank you! Here’s some insights and tools to mange our Pluto journey through these transformational times… Pluto is ‘The Lord of the Underworld’ and Jupiter the ‘King of Heaven’ so we have a meeting of the higher and lower worlds right now both externally and internally. Pluto forces us to go DEEP so Jupiter can take us HIGHER. Pluto regulates ‘the transformational process’ that brings death/rebirth and operates below the threshold of consciousness as ‘the alchemist’ who transmutes base metals into gold. Fab stuff straight from the Alchemical Traditions! One of his metaphors is the descent into the dark cocoon where we must wait patiently for the season to reveal the butterfly waiting to be born. We meet the true mystery of life and death through Pluto’s process! And a term I use in my therapy work is ‘entering the void’ – ‘the place between what we once were and what we are not yet.’ I’ve always found this very supportive in my client work as it really helps to know that ‘the void’ is actually not an empty place but rather a place rich in potential if we can manage our vulnerability and confusion. It is not a comfortable place, especially for those who are attached to outer world action as their primary driver. The question becomes “who am I if I am not a human doing?” So we have this excellent opportunity right now to slow down and reassess what is really important as we also honor and care for our feelings. This is where the ‘7 stages of grief’ can be very helpful to remind us we need to acknowledge our grief as we deal with the devastating losses of jobs and lifestyles and the uncertainty of these times. Just remember this is not just a sequential process. We can jump around between these feelings sometimes several times in a day! The 7 Stages of Grief We also need our ‘Spiritual resilience’ right now by using the tools we have been cultivating over many years and decades. At some point each day just tune in to your 7 Chakras and set them spinning and visualize the God force or Quantum source or whatever you call it feeding down through your crown to your third eye – throat – HEART – FEELINGS in your belly – power in your lower belly and grounding you at the base. Here is a wonderful overview of the ‘energetic’ forces at work right now and how we may tap into these in the most positive way plus a meditation from my old friend and colleague Phillip Lindsay one of the best Esoteric Astrologers on the planet. You can sign up for his excellent free newsletters “The individual etheric body is not an isolated and separated human vehicle but is, in a peculiar sense, an integral part of the etheric body of that entity which we have called the human family; this kingdom in nature, through its etheric body, is an integral part of the planetary etheric body; the planetary etheric body is not separated off from the etheric bodies of other planets but all of them in their totality, along with the etheric body of the sun constitute the etheric body of the solar system.” (Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.10.) And here is Ziggy. He is so patient while I sing him silly songs! Blessings and love to you all |
Astro Insights for April 2020