Welcome to 2021 my friends!
Here are your Free Horoscopes
I hope this guidance helps you navigate and empower your lives
I have another gift for you…this Podcast with a great business lady from Melbourne Anne Wicking where we talk up the whole 2021 story.
Greetings friends I’m sending my best wishes to you for a wonderful 2021 on the way for your life and those you love…and for our dear Planet Earth and her creatures great and small.
My takeout from the whole 2020 drama has been learning to really live in the moment as I witness the swirling chaos of the global Covid crisis and the high tension in the USA political process…and so many other issues right? And as I can’t make any plans to go places anyway then hey it really is ‘be here now’ and find contentment in the small things.
And I know so many are really doing it tough right now so to you I say please don’t give up and lose hope, as this new era does indeed contain the seeds of liberation from the past as the old order is passing and a new conscious force is striving to be born.
This is what is on offer from the meeting of Jupiter with Saturn in Aquarius to open a new 200 year cycle of their meetings in AIR signs = ‘Change is in the AIR”.
Here is
my Jupiter Saturn in Aquarius article
So no matter how nuts things get ‘out there’ just remember that personally January contains ‘freedom’ to move forward, a time to act fast, get things moving and line up new plans and ideas.
Best dates here are on the 11th and 29th when lucky Jupiter is activated.
We also have ‘mind & mouth’ planet Mercury heading into Aquarius on Jan 8th and he is here right through until mid-March as he turns retro on the 30th so get your forward motion stuff done by then OK?
On Jan 17th expansive Jupiter connects with change agent Uranus – a lively combo to say the least! At best this excites the urge for adventure and freedom so risks will pay off now if you’re ready to take a leap of faith. Just ensure you can be flexible & adaptable too.
Activator planet Mars has just spent 6 months in his sign Aries and exited with a blast as he triggered Trump’s Mars in Leo and then entered Taurus on Jan 6th…a day that will live in history with the storming of the Capitol Building by Trump supporters.
In ‘normal times’ this would be a nice change for his high octane force as his focus in Taurus is about stability and security…however…yes you knew I was going to say that…he makes three challenging aspects with the planets in Aquarius as follows:
Mars square Saturn in Aquarius on the 14th & 15th
Mars square Uranus in Taurus on the 20th & 21st
Mars square Jupiter In Aquarius on the 22nd & 23rd
Without unpacking this individually let’s just say these are highly volatile and unpredictable trigger points between the 14th and 23rd.
They also offer a grand opportunity to ‘step outside’ the box as you dare to re-invent your life!!
Especially as the Sun also enters Aquarius on Jan 20th and connects with all of the above during the rest of January.
As these timings are ‘Universal’ i.e. they apply to our whole planet this is not just about the potential for civil unrest in the USA, although this is a distinct possibility. (Note…I wrote this last week as I have been waiting for the link to the Podcast hence delay in my sending this January letter.)
As usual I will do my positive take on things and simply say January will bring us the beginning of the Aquarian revolution beginning in 2021.
Let it be a PEACEFUL REVOLUTION as we all take responsibility for healing our personal and global relations and our beautiful Mother Earth.
If you would like to make a donation toward these articles and my ongoing monthly newsletters I am very grateful.
Many thanks and I send love for a peaceful prosperous 2021.
Please join me for the next intake for Module 1 in Jan 2021
Universal Astrology Certificate e-Course