Astrology Guidance for April 2019

New Moon April 5th 2019As we step into April we are still deep in Mercury retro in Pisces…hasn’t it been a doozy as we try to navigate our way through the ‘fog zone’ and confusion reigns! Say no more…Think Brexit!

So yes our New Moon on Friday is a welcome energizer, especially as it is driven by Mars freshly in Gemini for the next 6 weeks…much more fun and busy and stimulating on many levels. Just be aware energies remain a tad unclear with Venus also in Pisces! Mercury finally heads into Aries on the 18th & Venus into Aries on the 20th.

So underpinning this Aries new beginning remains the deep sensitive focus of Pisces dissolving old forms and re-inspiring fresh conversations that demand compassion in these turbulent times.

As we prepare for the ‘global reset’ on the way as Saturn & Pluto meet in Capricorn in Jan 2020 to open their new 37 year cycle we are witnessing the breakdown of the values that drive our hard right systems. So take heart my friends – stay strong & resilient & have faith that a new & better world is possible if we unite our hearts and words and say NO to the old world order!!

Mars in Gemini is just fab for speaking up and joining with healthy progressive conversations and ideas! Go for it!

Step by step Guide to April’s Astroscape…

April 5th – New Moon in Aries @ 15deg – true launch of our natural year so set your intentions for not only the month ahead but for the whole year through to March 2020! Aries is the sign of the pioneer so requires us to be brave & daring to take independent action to move our lives forward, and with Saturn strong on this NMoon our challenge is to take full responsibility and stay strong in our commitment to our goals.

So this Aries new beginning is driven by Mars in Gemini as mentioned in my intro, stimulating ideas and conversations and as ever this can swing between conscious intelligent discussions and healthy debate AND angry words and arguments projecting blame and causing further division between warring parties! Needless to say avoid trolls and use your words wisely! Can be great for sharing knowledge and creating fresh networks with interesting stimulating people.

Also as mentioned with Mercury and Venus joining Neptune in Pisces we are still swimming in confusing waters so keep using this to increase your connection to your intuitive essence! Here’s a reminder of how to use this one!
DO’s – trust your intuition, dreams & visions then take thoughtful practical steps to bring them into form. Get clear about old limiting beliefs that may be impeding your growth into next phase of life. Be compassionate, non-judgmental & honest. Have faith in yourself and trust the flow of synchronicity in your life to bring you signals on next moves. Remain as objective as possible about people & events. Let go of old toxic people and attachments. Keep your boundaries clear. Be as mellow & adaptable as possible. Practice visualizing the uniting of your left brain with your right brain & your heart in a divine triangle.
DONT’s – rescue victims, over-analyze or criticize yourself or others, worry & fret, believe everything you hear, project your need onto others to be rescued or saved, over-react & do rage, be rigid or hard on yourself or others.
Every time you have a spare few moments close your eyes and say your mantra “I feel clear and inspired about my future. I choose LOVE & COMPASSION to guide my actions”. This is because downside Pisces can bring confusion and invites us to play in ‘victim consciousness’.

Sun Aries trine lucky Jupiter on April 15th – very positive for expanding your horizons with travel plans or writing/publishing. Generally a yummy optimistic good feeling day.

The middle of April is packed full of significant astrology. Big planet Jupiter turns retrograde at 24 degrees Sagittarius on April 10th. Jupiter remains on go slow until August  11th, when it turns direct at 14 degrees Sagittarius. When the slower-moving planets are retrograde, they turn your attention inwards.

This is a brilliant retrograde phase for planning any activity linked to Sagittarius. This includes travel, study, education, learning, legal matters & publishing. Think of the next few months as a planning stage, ready to launch your trip, project, course in September.

There’s also a second Full Moon in Libra on April 19th. This follows on from the Full Moon on March 21st at 0 deg Libra, the beginning of the sign. This month’s Full Moon falls at 29 degrees Libra, the end of the sign so this is known as a ‘Blue Moon’ with 2 Full Moons in the same signs. With Moon in Libra relationships are our focus, with the need to release those that no longer serve so we may invite new ones that do! The key is to find balance between opposites, to work at compromise and create agreements that are fair and just for both sides concerned.

Sun enters Taurus on April 20th and immediately makes a conjunction with Uranus at 2 degrees Taurus on April 22nd. This is the first time in 84 years we have Sun in Taurus triggering this brand new astro signature underpinning the revolution to heal our earth over the next 7 years. I covered this last month in depth, so for now I am very heartened by the rise of voices demanding action on climate change and renewable energy sources here in Oz (at last), along with a rising wave of support to include our first nation indigenous knowledge of correct management of this fragile ecosystem known as Oz.

We can expect the unexpected as usual with Uranus, in this case the other theme of Taurus is money and resources. This taps into the heartland of the Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn story building up as 2019 progresses. Global economies are highly challenged despite political/economic spin doctors telling us all is well and dandy, and in this climate of Jupiter in Sagittarius bringing us volatile highs and lows…as in 2007 12 years ago the last time he was here…we could indeed be heading toward the Saturn accountability factor very soon.

The Big Picture

A recurring feature of the evolutionary process on offer from the cycles of the big planets brings us the best and worst of the themes of activity! So on the one hand we are experiencing the hardening of the control mechanisms from government & business systems with ever greater loss of individual freedoms. Yes this is the worst of Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn as we see blatant corruption and hard right wing strong man tactics…all very dog eat dog stuff!

And on the upside we are seeing the demand for accountability from our leaders and institutions as we average citizens are appalled by the misuse and abuse of global resources in the never ending quest for profit at the expense of Gaia and her people and natural systems. So no surprise that many millions have lost faith in political, business & religious leaders and something’s gotta give!! Upside is also bringing us the ‘next wave’ of the equal opportunities movement for women and all marginalized groups.

We are about to enter a literal epoch changing period from 2020 with echoes back to 1518 the last time Saturn & Pluto conjoined in Capricorn, the time of Henry VIII & the ‘reformation’. So this sets the stage for the CENTURIES ahead, and we must give birth to new archetypes who mirror the true essence of a tolerant cohesive society beyond fear and division so we can co-participate in our next great REFORMATION.

Since the Christchurch massacre in March we finally have an example of this healthy strong compassionate new archetype and her name is Jacinda Ardern the PM of New Zealand. She deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for exemplifying the true nature of a leader for our new age…just around the corner! Here’s her chart…yes she is a LEO!

Live long and prosper my friends
Much love Maggie

Here is my FREE 2019 Report & Horoscopes
I hope you find it helpful and inspiring.

Maggie’s Workshops
Empowering Our Lives…
…as we Countdown to 2020’

Two-day Seminar on
Sat 11th & Sun 12th May 2019

The Astrological cycles of evolution are in high octane mode as we head toward the ‘global re-set’ on the way from 2020 through 2026.
So…it’s time for endings and new beginnings!!
Please join Maggie Kerr, Tina Mews & Marie Müller to share ideas & tools so we can work constructively with this dynamic collective process. During our 2 days we will:

  • Explore the workings of the Great Astrological Cycles as a deeper Cosmic Order to provide meaning & guidance to empower our co-participation
  • Explore how to use Quantum Consciousness to create an exciting new phase for our lives
  • Connect to Archetypal Mythic themes so we can co-create new ones!
  • Learn tools to heal and integrate the many ‘voices’ that comprise our planetary family
  • Get clear what the departure from the old cycles means for each of us

Full details & Bookings

And you are welcome to book a session to empower your life for 2019

My new Astrology Certificate e-Course!
Incorporating Astrology & Soul Centered Emotional Healing Models…with webinars & lots of recordings.

Planets on the Move – Feb & March Astro Update

Mercury in Pisces

Don’t miss the yummy Full Moon lighting up the Sun’s entrance into Pisces on Tuesday, as with Moon in Virgo it’s totally ‘perfect’ for cleansing your psychic & physical space! Yes crystals washed and ready to be freshly charged ok?

We also have Mars now Taurus for the next 6 weeks bringing a welcome relief from his hard driving run through Aries since the new year. Been very full on hasn’t it but oh so productive as we activated our goals and projects for the year.

So we now move into a calmer less chaotic period courtesy of water & earth focus with Mars energy now directed to consolidating & ‘building form’ with a steady approach before he heads into Gemini in April when it is networking time.

Lots of other news to share including

  • Dr Chiron stepping into Aries opening his new 50 year cycle
  • The epic arrival of Uranus into Taurus on March 6th for the next 7 years
  • New Moon in Pisces also March 6th!
  • Mercury & his first retro for the year…in sensitive intuitive Pisces
  • Sun into Aries March 21st opening our new Natural Year

Here is my FREE 2019 Report & Horoscopes
I hope you find it helpful and inspiring.

Making the most of Sun & Mercury in Pisces…
From Feb 19th our heroic Sun completes his passage through the Zodiac before he initializes our new Natural year on March 21st. So Pisces time is all about completion & gestation as we prepare for fresh beginnings. I have always maintained the whole world should have a ‘holiday’ in this period lol…so we can wind down and rest as much as possible as we tune into our Soul to nurture our hearts and minds.

This year the whole Pisces thing gets a huge extra focus right through until mid April courtesy of:

  • The excellent Full Moon as Sun enters Pisces with Moon in Virgo @ Zero degrees bringing a fantastic opportunity to cleanse and heal body & mind
  • New Moon Pisces on March 6th @ 15 degrees – conjunct Neptune makes this a very visionary inspirational new beginning
  • PLUS Mercury also in Pisces for an extended stay until April 18th as he will go retro here
  • Plus Venus into Pisces on March 27th until April 17th

Pisces associations are: upside – spirituality compassion intuition dreams vision transendence psychology mental health inspiration clarity dreaming art imagination film seclusion retreat and downside brings us victims & rescuers deception lies illusion confusion escapism alcohol & drug abuse…and so much more but that will do for now! Thus guidance here as follows:

DO’s – trust your intuition, dreams & visions then take thoughtful practical steps to bring them into form. Get clear about old limiting beliefs that may be impeding your growth into next phase of life. Be compassionate, non-judgmental & honest. Have faith in yourself and trust the flow of synchronicity in your life to bring you signals on next moves. Remain as objective as possible about people & events. Let go of old toxic people and attachments. Keep your boundaries clear. Be as mellow & adaptable as possible. Practice visualizing the uniting of your left brain with your right brain & your heart in a divine triangle.

DONT’s – rescue victims, over-analyze or criticize yourself or others, worry & fret, believe everything you hear, project your need onto others to be rescued or saved, over-react & do rage, be rigid or hard on yourself or others.

Every time you have a spare few moments close your eyes and say your mantra “I feel clear and inspired about my future. I choose LOVE & COMPASSION to guide my actions”. This is because downside Pisces can bring confusion and invites us to play in ‘victim consciousness’.

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces
Mercury retrogrades (apparently goes backward) three times each year. He’s the guy whose magnetisms affect all forms of communication and our thought processes. These periods are when IT and gizmos don’t work properly and messages/mail gets lost…you get the idea.So don’t buy new appliances, be aware that travel plans may change, avoid signing contracts etc., as details are often incorrect or unclear…especially in Pisces!

2019 Mercury retro periods are in WATER signs so our MENTAL and VERBAL focus is driven by feeling and intuition, so here is to a whole new level of compassion in our global dialogue and personal interactions.This is a refreshing dose of WATER for 2019 after the Mercury in FIRE focus of 2018, which brought us dramatic words and provocative ideas. The retro periods are opportunities to re-do, re-evaluate, re-organize, research, review and plan our activity.

On February 10th he stepped into Pisces where he remains until April 17th bringing us on the upside a beautiful opportunity to commune with our higher nature to work with our intuition and imagination…very artistic with a tendency to escapism from worldly concerns. Downside brings us major confusion and lack of clarity with deception and wonderment about who and what to believe!
He turns retro on 5th March to 27th March @ 29 deg Pisces – then direct on March 28th but not until 17th April for full steam ahead when he enters Aries.
The other big news for Feb & March is a major factor in the ‘Global Re-set’ as both Chiron & Uranus are changing sign for our next major evolutionary upgrade on planet earth! I have included lots of info on both as you scroll down.
Chiron steps into Aries on February 18th – until 2026! TIme to Heal our Rage & Separation.
Chiron is the newest member of our Solar System, discovered in 1977 and cycling between Saturn and Uranus with a 50-year cycle. When a new planet becomes visible to us, it activates a new archetype in our collective psyche that demands recognition as an ingredient in our evolutionary process.

The astronomers named him Chiron (no they don’t ask Astrologers they just use whatever name is next on the list of Gods/esses). Then low and behold, the attributes of the mythological God mysteriously correlate with the unfolding narrative of our Global process. Big time synchronicity here, as with so many other Astro phenomena!

In Greek mythology he was held to be the superlative centaur, as he was called as the “wisest and justest of all the centaurs”. His myth contains rising above the pain of his abandonment and rejection to become a wise healer and teacher to many of the great Greek heroes, and mythically the Centaur horse-man symbolically unites our mortal and immortal nature. The horse is considered to be the bridge between the world of form and the world of the unseen.

His position between the ‘known boundaries’ of Saturn and the higher consciousness of Uranus gives rise to his “rainbow bridge” title, and his process that brings crisis forcing us to confront our Saturn fears and limitations that keep us stuck in our lower nature.

So he’s the link between our lower and higher nature, which has been available to us since his sighting in 1977.  Yes the Uranus Neptune & Pluto ingredients have been with us over the last few hundred years paving the way for the incoming Age of Aquarius, but it wasn’t until Chiron brought his shaman healing process into the story that we’ve been confronted with the reality of our disconnect from nature and wholeness of a healthy world.

1977 is the year when our Sun began his 72-year passage to align with the Galactic Plane so yes another fascinating timing correlation! So Chiron connects us to Galactic Consciousness! (BTW the mid-point of this was 21.12.12 the end/beginning date for the Mayan Calendar 26,000 cycle.)

OK so on with Chiron in Aries. He was last here between May 1968 until May 1977, so we haven’t experienced a Chiron in Aries transit since he was discovered, which was in November 1977. Yes, the planets are still there even if we don’t know about them, but we experience their magnetisms intuitively or in a non-rational mode. Once they are in our objective awareness they become a much more active force.

As Aries is the beginning of the Zodiac round…or the ‘World Degree’, our wounded healer enters a pioneering period on February 2019 that completes in May 2068 after his 50 year cycle passage! So when a major player like Chiron triggers this degree it brings about an ‘Initiation’ or new beginning – a psychological re-birth that challenges us to transform our concept of reality!

The Aries process contains our confident ‘healthy will’ so we can be brave and courageous and say yes to new adventures into the future. At best, it is the questing spirit in us that dares to risk letting go of the familiar, even if this familiar isn’t too great!

And as recent times on the third rock from the Sun have shown, we have a major issue with this ‘healthy will’ business, as the ‘damaged will’ brings us aggression and anger and all the defenses and over-compensations that arise when we don’t feel safe or that we have the ‘right to exist’. Thus, Chiron’s job over the next NINE years is to reveal this crisis clearly, so we can sort out this primary component in our human makeup! Goddess knows this is essential if we are to ever build a peaceful world.

Functional Aries (and Mars who rules Aries) brings us “healthy assertiveness” where we feel safe enough to assert ourselves in the world, and communicate to ask for our needs to be met, without fear of retribution or judgement or rejection or being made wrong.  The trouble is that most folks aren’t safe enough to do this and are stuck in the “passive aggressive split”!

They either believe they have no power to act OR are over-reactive and defiant with a determination to defeat apparent opposition and are unable to co-operate to invite support. This can also mean they please and comply and put up with stuff (and seethe) in their attempts to get loved, and safe, and to ‘belong’. Then when this doesn’t work, they get aggressive and angry and destructive, and end up with the very outcomes they are trying to avoid! Classic stuff. So the SAFE outcome here requires we have a good look at our compliance or aggression patterns and make the decision to change them, and let go of our defensive behaviors.

If you’re relating to this or have friends/family members who may benefit, here’s your re-programming message. “It is safe for me to assert myself – to be authentic – to be brave – to belong – to matter”. Just say this to yourself many times a day as you hold your hand over your belly, the seat of our emotions.

Aries is about our ‘identity in the world’, so it will be no surprise that millions of folks are about to have a little ‘identity crisis’…lol.  Who am I? Why am I here? And this is not just a superficial matter at this time on planet earth as millions of folks spend their day stuck in jobs they don’t like, to earn money to stay on the treadmill existence of our material world construct. And they aren’t happy!  Which isn’t to say this applies to everyone as lots of folks have done the work to become authentic and are living meaningful happy lives. But lots more aren’t!

The outcome once we’ve faced our fear of flying as an independent creative agent is a whole new level of action, so over the next 9 years we’re about to experience some fabulous people doing some fabulously brave edgy things, daring to be catalysts leading the way for the healing and renewal process on our planet.

And a final note on Aries as the WARRIOR archetype. Conscious warriors are not impulsive or driven by knee jerk reaction. They understand the reality that we need discipline to empower and use our will wisely!

Uranus in Taurus for the first time since 1934 – until 2026 – TIme for a New Earth.
When this revolutionary change agent comes calling to each sign every seven years we experience an upgrade in the affairs of the sign, in this case Taurus, with far reaching implications.  His rulership over science and technology, plus human rights movements assures us of radical departures from existing conditions across the board.

As he is the key player in our unfolding revolution, his entrance into Taurus for the first time since 1934 in his 84 year cycle is hugely significant.  Our Sky God is about to come down to earth to revolutionize our ecological systems with a wave of amazing inventions and groups of people who will clean up our world over the next 7 years.  He’s also about to freshen up, to put it mildly, existing financial values and systems.

Taurean associations arise from the core principle of VALUES, hence all things to do with nature and our earth along with money and wealth distribution. Taurus is the ‘builder’ of the Zodiac who uses strength and hard work to create security and safety, which is why Taureans are so famous for their stubborn fixed qualities!

Nature and beauty and pleasure are the fruits of Taurus who revels in the earthly delights of art and wine and music and all things sensual…she is Mother Nature expressed through the Nine ‘Muses’ who have inspired artists since ancient times. So as Uranus comes calling to Taurus over the next seven years he brings his lightning bolt of creative fire to innovate and give birth to great changes in our economic and material world. Here is an interesting link The Third Industrial Revolution & the Radical New Sharing Economy

Taurus bring up our survival issues and our ability to establish foundations by being aware of and using resources effectively. What is needed relative to resources determines what is VALUED. The more self-reliance that exists the more survival is guaranteed.  We’re about to experience lots of ‘survival issues’ over the next seven years as collective population and environmental pressure will force many into new circumstances, and our IT revolution brings the end of old industries and jobs as it also gives birth to lots of new ones.

So how can we use Uranus in Taurus to uplift and liberate our lives?
The freedom and liberation of Uranus allows us to break free from old value systems that restrict or inhibit our true individual expression, so we can begin to use our resources in inventive new ways! As he’s an ‘unexpected’ trigger guy we must stay very flexible when sudden shifts upset our old systems and constructs.

Uranus is a smart i.e. intelligent feature so stay alert for sudden flashes of insight or ideas that spin you into fab new possibilities that may be right out of the box from your old view of your potential. Then use Saturn in Capricorn for a reality check and create a ‘plan’! If we are aware of the need for innovation and change this allows ‘the Universe’ to support our growth, whereas if we resist this our unconscious mind will create it anyway…sometimes in the form of upsetting things whether we like them or not!

A reminder that this is a 7 year process for our whole world, so you’ll notice the seeds of these features this year, but this doesn’t mean it’s going to happen to you immediately OK? It’s also about your personal horoscope and where Taurus falls…and Venus…and the whole picture really. So if you’re inquisitive to know more about YOU you can book a session with me.

Here is your Mantra my friends! As Uranus asks us to break free of past conditions our core self-worth needs to be in very good condition, so whenever you get a bit wobbly as things start morphing in your life or the outer world close your eyes and say “I am safe and secure as I grow and change”. “I am prosperous!”

This will be a fantastic period if we are adaptable and allow the nature of our work or source of making a living to become exciting and challenging beyond our old expectations! We all need to feel valued so it’s time to make sure you are!

Well congratulations if you have made it to the end of this little missive!!
Live long and prosper my friends
Much love Maggie

Happy 2019!! Free 70 page Astro Report and Horoscopes

The Astrology of 2019Happy 2019 to you!! May it be a prosperous and fulfilling year full of fresh adventures and a fab dose of positivity!! Here is my FREE 2019 Report & Horoscopes I hope you find it helpful and inspiring.

Officially our year began on January 1st but In terms of setting your intentions for 2019 get set for using the powerful Solar Eclipse on Saturday 6th!

It is @ 15 degrees of Capricorn sandwiched between both Saturn and Pluto so this one pulls no punches when it comes to initializing a powerful new phase in our personal career goals and aspirations. Think back to 2000 for insights & echoes in your life.

Collectively it will ignite a new phase in business and politics as Brexit comes to a head PLUS it opposes the Sun in the USA Horoscope so goodness knows what’s about to unfold there! We have Mars in Aries all month so great for activating your plans especially when he makes cool connections with Venus and Jupiter in Sagittarius on the 19th through to 26th. Very positive!!

Perfect timing to release my new Astrology Certificate e-Course! With Jupiter in Sagittarius this year it’s all about expanding your learning horizons so please join me as I share the sum total of my 30+ years of knowledge incorporating Astrology & Soul Centred Emotional Healing Models…with webinars & lots of recordings. Have a fabulous month and year my friends!!

New Moon in Sagittarius Opens the Door to 2019

BrilliantNew Moon in Sagittarius

Seasons Greetings to all as we now complete this crazy momentous year of 2018! Here’s to us all uniting spiritually, All Nations, All Faiths, One Prayer May PEACE & LOVE fill our hearts & minds.

Happy to say planets are in good form on the 25th with a joyous Moon in Leo full of fun…& please invite ‘orphans’ to share your table!

It is now Sagittarius time until December 22nd when Sun steps into Capricorn for the three-quarter point of our natural year…known as the Equinox…when the seasons begin to turn from deep winter in northern climes and full summer down here in Oz.

Until then we have some very busy extreme energies flying over coming weeks from our once in 12 year New Moon with Jupiter on the 7th @ 15 degrees of Sagittarius triggering new beginnings to expand your world my friends! More insights on this to follow…

To balance this dynamic fire we have beautiful deep sensitive healing energies from Venus as she completes her passage through Scorpio forming sweet connection with Mars in Pisces.

So yes managing extremes both physically & emotionally may take some mindfulness & self care + switching off phones & people whenever possible lol. Great for ‘dreaming up’ & gestating your 2019.

And good old Mercury starts moving forward on the NMoon paving the way for Jan when all planets are direct…hoorah…and we can finally move forward into fresh vibes and exciting new territory fired with optimism & purpose

In case you missed it here’s my Jupiter in Sag Nov 8th 2018 to Dec 2nd 2019

Sagittarius is the sign of all things interesting as far as I am concerned! It bring us ‘opportunity, expansion, growth, generosity, abundance, exploration, seeking, visionary, big picture, higher learning, meaning, purpose, beliefs, truth, ethics, law, morals, wisdom, religions, ideals, truth,  international affairs & trade, gambling & speculation, writing, publishing, teaching, the media, dissemination of knowledge & information, foreign travel and cultures, extreme activity’.

So how are you going to use this magic opportunity to inspire your 2019? Well Jupiter PLUS Sagittarius demands we expand our horizons in the quest for fresh meaning & purpose for our lives. So travel is high on the agenda as is learning & education to either up skill to inspire fresh purpose or share your knowledge. Write a book…teach a course…or study with me!

Check out my new unique Astrology Certificate e-Course where I share my 30+ years of experience blending Astrology and healing!  Even if you just do the first 2 Modules where I cover the ‘basics’ in my in-depth kind of way you will enrich you understanding of not only yourself but the whole human race! And then if you are smitten you can do Modules 3 & 4 and achieve the Certificate!

We have already had lots of action in international affairs leading up to the NMoon with the G20 meeting starring Trump and Xi in a ‘Mexican standoff’, the Brexit drama in high focus, David Attenborough warning of ‘Collapse Of Civilizations’ at U.N. Climate Meeting, violent riots in Paris, striking high school kids protesting for action on climate change in Oz, and a huge fall in the Dow Jones stock index in the US as the market is ‘spooked’ by trade war uncertainty! And this is all in the lead up to the NMoon…which will fire things up even more!

With Mars in Pisces in challenging aspect we get the confusion theme writ large with lots of passive/aggressive words and behaviors and no-one knowing what the hell is really going on. On the upside Mars in Pisces brings us ‘the peaceful warrior’  inspired by compassion!

So make like a sage wise Saggie archer as you say your mantra “I am clear and inspired with fresh meaning & purpose”!

After this year of deep transformation and renewal we are now set for a fabulous exciting fresh adventure in 2019!! This is the final year of the decade & the doorway to the “Great Re-Set” of 2020.

All my love and blessings to you all for a wonderful healthy loving prosperous new year.


LOS ANGELES – Thursday 23.20

NEW YORK – Friday 02.20

LONDON – Friday 07.20

SYDNEY – Friday 18.20


Here Comes Jupiter in Sagittarius to Ignite Fresh Pathways in Our Lives!

Jupiter in SagittariusAt last some good news! Here comes some fresh fire to enliven our lives with positive optimism and enthusiasm after this very testing year while he’s been in deep dark Scorpio!

As Jupiter enters Sagittarius on November 8th for the first time since 2007, the global scene has rarely been in such a state of ‘high tension’.

Sagittarius is all about the nature of TRUTH & BELIEFS & also rules International Trade & Relations & the Media & Social Media. His last visit in 2007 brought us the heights of stock markets & unrestrained spending leading to the GFC of 2008. So what are we in for this time?

So please don’t miss my coverage of these areas & so much more PLUS some tools to empower your positive forward growth into this next phase of our life creation.

Jupiter in Sag Nov 8th 2018 to Dec 2nd 2019  Time for Fresh Adventures –  Awakening Fresh Meaning & Purpose

This is just a quick connect for November as I have spent ages creating the article so the only other mention for November is Mercury doing his retro thing in Sagittarius also from Nov 17th into December SO this brings an excellent opportunity to work on your ‘meaning & purpose’ for 2019! Have a fabulous November & here’s to fresh pathways… BTW Jupiter enters Sag on the day the USA goes to their mid-term elections.

If you would like to make a donation for my work I am very grateful

Oct 2018 – Libra time + Special Venus in Scorpio Retrograde Update

Venus Star‘The Venus Star’ This divine 5 pointed star is the pattern created by Venus in her 8 year retrograde cycle! SO beautiful…

She is our focus in October as she began her retro period in Scorpio on Oct 7th…yes we’re finally out of Mars retro and now it’s Venus’ turn in the cosmic dance of evolution!

Yes the Sun is in Libra so it’s all about personal & global relationships, and as Venus rules Libra her Scorpio process highlights the whole signature of 2018…the abuse and correct use of SEX MONEY & POWER.

So if you’re feeling a tad slow & sluggish that’s ok! Don’t push right now & use this time to rest, reflect & heal by using the feminine power of Scorpio. It’s re-birth time folks & your phoenix only has a month to go before he/she rises from the ashes!

Jupiter then heads into Sagittarius on Nov 8th to bring fresh fire and optimism for 2019.  Not a moment too soon for my liking I must say! SO hang in there folks & make like a ‘white magician’ who trusts your Soul to re-birth your exciting new life just around the corner!!

Mars now continues his run through Aquarius during October & hasn’t it been a wild ride as he’s been doing his chaotic unstable maverick thing since May? His dynamic interaction with Jupiter…& now Venus in Scorpio continues to challenge the old paradigm ‘normal’ in so many kinds of revolutionary ways!

I mean wow how was that last Full Moon in Libra/Aries on Sept 25th playing out as the bizarre unfinished story of Kavanagh’s High Court appointment? Libra is all about justice & law & what’s fair right? And when we add the rising power of this next phase of the feminist movement we can expect many more bells & whistles to go off in the months ahead. Venus does not leave Scorpio until Jan 2019 so stay tuned! Scroll down to find out how to use Venus in Scorpio for optimum quantum healing & renewal…

You are welcome to book a session to brainstorm fresh ideas and solutions.

Libra 2

Libra is the sign of ‘Right Human Relationship’… so the themes of justice & the law and personal & global relationships are the focus this month.  “From conflict to co-operation” is the essence of our evolution during these shifting times. So perhaps the extreme polarization between so many features in our culture must have to occur to bring home the message that it’s time to find the middle ground where bi-partisan co-operation can arise!!

So as Sun moves thru Libra until Oct 23rd: nurture your relationships invite & give support to & from others practice healthy compromise without… giving away your power focus on PR & marketing plans negotiate fresh deals & options break out of ruts & have some fun hang out with exciting new people avoid drama & conflict make love not war! Maggie’s Workshops

Jupiter in Sagittarius Saturday 3rd November

Here comes Jupiter in Sagittarius oh goodie! Once every 12 years he returns to his own sign so extra powerful… as he will be in the driving seat of the 2019 forces. His previous cycle in 2007 brought us the heights of stock markets & unrestrained spending leading to the GFC of 2008. So what are we in for this time? Sag also rules beliefs & the search for truth, as well as the media & publishing business. Fake news in extremis on the way. What do we believe? We will check your horoscopes for insights & illumination!

Reply to this email OR contact me to book in. You can order the recordings if you can’t come! I am also speaking at the fabulous C*I*A* Celestial Secrets’ Retreat Oct 12-15 in beautiful north NSW click for details & bookings Please join us for this special event focusing on the healing power of Venus in Scorpio

Focus on Scorpio during 2018… Scorpio rules the correct use of POWER, MONEY, SEX, HIDDEN MATTERS, RESOURCES, & the deep regenerative forces that underpin creation so LIFE & DEATH.

Within days of Jupiter’s arrival into Scorpio last October the Harvey Weinstein scandal unleashed an unprecedented wave of change into our collective process I have heard described as the THIRD wave of the feminist movement. And of course it’s not just about women. It’s about equal rights for all repressed marginalized minority groups & in just ONE year the rules have changed!

Since Saturn entered Capricorn in January (for the first time since 1989) the battle lines have been well & truly drawn beyond the past and the future, as the swing to the right wing attempts to keep the old system based on greed & corruption & abuse & misuse of money, power and resources in place. But not for much longer!!

My call is that ‘things’ will come to a head in 2019/20 as Saturn joins Pluto opening a new 38 YEAR CYCLE (previous 1982/3). And then Jupiter meets Saturn beginning their new 20 YEAR CYCLE announcing a brand new AQUARIAN ‘signature’ – followed by Pluto into Aquarius in 2023. SO hang in there folks & keep the faith as we pass through the eye of the needle over these disruptive chaotic revolutionary few years!

Change Gandhi

2018 has also revealed the ugly vindictive face of politics where revenge and personal power are the name of the game. Where are our visionary leaders who inspire moral values like tolerance and caring and compassion?


Remember Scorpio is the death/rebirth process, so here’s to his journey through Sagittarius on the way in 2019 to bring them forward!! Now Venus spends the rest of 2018 in Scorpio to really bring the message home!

We meet Venus in two primary roles – in her guise as the Goddess of Love in her ruler-ship of Libra creating our relationships so we may know safe intimacy & mutual support. She also rules Taurus where we meet her as Mother Nature & the fertile building processes of life. So here she rules things of ‘value’ thus ‘wealth and worth’.

She goes retrograde on Oct 7th & this only happens every18 months and only returns to the same sign every EIGHT YEARS – so last time here in Scorpio was 2012. Check your memory for insights for this time! She began her retro on Oct 5th for 40 days until Nov 16th…a powerful period that gives rise to the biblical 40 days in the wilderness.

So If you’re feeling a bit lost over the next month fret not as the metaphor here offers the cleansing and purifying symbolism! As she is all about our relationships and self worth, use this period to release old toxic relating patterns where you are not being valued…yay!

She is known as ‘Innana the evening star’ for the first 20 days as she goes into the ‘dark’ & we no longer see her in the evening sky. So on Oct 27th she makes exact conjunction with the Sun @ 3 degrees Scorpio and this is known as her “STAR POINT”. If you have planets or Ascendant around 3 degrees then she offers important re-birth action.

She is known as ‘Innana the evening star’ for the first 20 days as she goes into the ‘dark’ & we no longer see her in the evening sky. So on Oct 27th she makes exact conjunction with the Sun @ 3 degrees Scorpio and this is known as her “STAR POINT”. If you have planets or Ascendant around 3 degrees then she offers important re-birth action.

After Oct 27th as she joins the Sun she becomes ‘Ishtar the Morning Star’ and we’ll see her gradually become visible as she comes out of the ‘underworld’ before sunrise throughout November. She then sheds her beautiful bountiful light for a positive prosperous new period, as we attract conscious supportive people to help us grow our lives.

The normal ‘rules’ apply to her when retrograde thus the whole period until mid-November is not a great time to start a love affair or buy luxury items or you may have to take them back!  Venus retro can also bring back people from the past so we can complete and heal, but usually not for happily ever afters!

Don’t waste time & energy on non-productive situations, as you also keep working to grow your creative projects & stay inspired knowing things will move forward & you’ll start reaping goodies after mid-November when she turns direct BUT it wont really be until after December 18th when she is totally free to move forward once more.

The Libran New Moon on October 7th is one again Venus ruled and carries a challenging connection to Mars in Aquarius. This can bring a welcome dose of fresh air with stimulating new people & ideas…there’s powerful attraction forces at work here!. But can also bring discord & conflict in relationships where tensions have been building and need release.

Then we have the Scorpio Full Moon on Oct 25th @ 1 degree Scorpio with both Venus and Uranus front and center! This brings a powerful urge for freedom & breaking out of ruts and rules and can bring sudden unexpected happenings in love and partnerships as there is the need for stimulating fresh experiences.

This can also open a great few weeks to work on fresh financial setups that require innovating IT or clever people to help grow your resources for 2019 as Scorpio brings ‘joint resources’ into play with a ‘win win’ approach so all parties are empowered along the way.

So for the rest of 2018 Venus in Scorpio asks us to re-evaluate the things we VALUE & where we may need to let go of things & people whose values are not aligned with ours. It is a time to dive deep into your old power & control patterns based on insecurity…and indeed others may play old games to keep you where they need you to be for them…rather than coming from a place of loving support for your needs. Me thinks many will make some stark choices and decisions over this next 40 days!!

Venus in Scorpio offers us her remarkable gift as the Shaman Wise Woman Midwife so this next 3 months is a period of enormous healing. Be very kind to yourself and nurture your deepest sensitive vulnerable ‘shadow ‘bits’ to allow them to become the source of your greatest power as this is the true essence of Scorpio power…from within.

When we truly know we are safe and secure we can become the magician who invites and magnetizes healthy safe people to join with us in our creative process! SO MOTE IT BE!

Blessings and love to you all Maggie


Powerful Lunar Eclipse July 27/8 & Solar Eclipse Aug 11

Eclipses July Aug 2018

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse July 27/8 @ 4 degrees Leo/Aquarius &   New Moon Solar Eclipse August 11 @ 18 degrees Leo

This Eclipse window heralds some pretty major social & political activity due to Mars activating the Moon in Aquarius. Indeed he shines bright rising in the east just after sunset as he makes his closest pass to earth since 2003.

So yes things have already been unpredictable crazy intense as we’ve been in ‘the zone’ for a few weeks now, as Eclipse forces come into play before the EXACT dates and hold their force for the next SIX months until the next ones in  February 2019.

Personally we are also feeling the vibe for change & upgrades that free us up and open new doors…which will indeed open as we head into September and both Mars and Mercury retrograde phases are complete. Until then grab the energy of these Leo Eclipses as they open a fresh creative spark in your life and just manage frustrating or unsafe feelings ok?

With Jupiter in Scorp & Neptune in Pisces in support there is a softer flow behind this evolutionary moment bringing high intuition & extreme sensitivity energetically, so it’s wise to really nurture and protect our ‘personal space’ from negative influences & people! This is also how we stay sane and well in these intense times my friends.

We also have an excellent earth combo with Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn offering steady focus & practical structural changes to develop your fresh foundations!  Scroll down for the dos and don’t for Eclipses!

Lion in wheelbarrowThis gorgeous boy ‘contained’ in his wheelbarrow is a perfect image for managing these current Leo forces. As sudden events unfold over coming weeks: stay calm & centered, avoid confrontations, keep working up projects, reflect on what you need to let go of, be confident AND patient, be diplomatic, visualize prosperous futures, send LOVE to the hearts of our leaders!

So why are eclipses so important?   Eclipses happen twice a year when the sun moon & earth align on the Nodal Axis. The North & South Nodes are the points where the Moon crosses the ecliptic (the path of the Earth’s orbit around the Sun) every 6 months.  Eclipses have a 19 year cycle, so any eclipse does not have a relationship with a 6 month previous or later eclipse, but rather with the eclipse which happened 19 years before!!  So if you are looking for insight into previous themes of this eclipse go back 19 years to August 1999 and search your memory for what happened then!

The Nodes are considered karmic destiny points so these 19 year cycles open major karmic relationships and events that move us forward toward destiny if they trigger our personal horoscope. If you have planets/points up to 7 degrees of Leo/Aquarius & Taurus/Scorpio then the Lunar eclipse on the 28th is significant for you. If you have planets/points between 14 to 22 of these signs then it’s the Solar Eclipse that’s a game changer in your world.

Historically eclipses can trigger major earth shifts & changesquakes etc. plus big shifts in cultural & political activity in the regions under the path of the eclipse over the earth…in this case it will be completely visible over Eastern Africa, and Central Asia, seen rising over South America, Western Africa, and Europe, and setting over Eastern Asia, and southern Australia.will see the moon block the sun for almost two hours.

Thanks to Astrologer Phillip Lindsay for also pointing out Uranus & Mars on the July 27 Lunar eclipse astro-cartography lines running through coastal California, with the possibility of tectonic activity…we shall see. The ‘Great American Solar Eclipse’ last August was followed by unprecedented wildfires and storms!

Phillip also covers the remarkable Thai cave rescue very well, so well worth a read. My simple point is that this event has incredible archetypal synergy with our current Jupiter in Scorpio connection with Neptune in Pisces…lost in the dark watery depths and resurrected! Such a good news story in these bad news times. If only humanity could unify forces like this to deal with cleaning up our planet and creating sustainable energy systems!

As Uranus in Taurus is tightly involved in this story we won’t be surprised by surprising financial events, due to lots of options like the escalating trade wars, unsustainable debt obligations, sudden reversals in stock markets…ah it’s all so big and messy and greedy and unconscious isn’t it? Ultimately Uranus in Taurus over the next 7 years is meant to offer an awakening healthy conscious approach to correct use of money and resources, but before we get to that possibility things have to break down first right? Personally it’s cool to reign in debt and liberate yourself from the need to own and possess ‘stuff’ and simplify your world!

Last month I posted a timeline of events from 1939 leading up to WWII – the last time Mars was retrograde in Aquarius in hard aspect with Uranus in Taurus. As this July 27 Lunar Eclipse triggers this story we must send hearts & minds to calm reactive words and events! I have left the full details at the end of my little Eclipse insights if you’d like to recap.

Eclipse families are called Saros Cycles that have themes or features. The Leo Solar Eclipse on August 11 is from Saros 2 New North  “…can bring sudden collapse of plans or life styles that create re-building and transformation with far reaching effects for life direction”. This cycle takes us back to July/August 1999… the ‘Grand Fixed Cross Eclipse’ as we headed toward the Millennium 2000 and the Nostradamus end of world predictions were in full swing, and the ‘Millennium Bug’ was going to take down computer networks…remember? What was happening in your life then as here lie clues for current possibilities.

Eclipses can have a wildcard effect that that we don’t see coming that shift us from one state to another very quickly for our evolution. They can provide whatever it is we need to get moving even if it is something challenging! They bring new life events that can change us in major ways, such as people leaving our lives or new ones entering.

Try not to take major decisions, action or make announcements around the eclipse time but rather wait at least a few weeks to see what events unfold & more information develops. Stay open to sudden developments that take you to unexpected outcomes…i.e. not what you have intended but what your destiny really has in store.

Ancient tradition offers the idea that eclipses offer a periodic ‘pathway to the gods’ as cosmic safety valves, which periodically allow evil forces to escape into the Cosmos, where they will be of no harm to mankind.  According to certain occult theories, the shadow lane of the solar eclipse permitted initiated priests to communicate with the higher gods, and to put to them questions of profound importance.  Some scholars maintain that this was the underlying reason why the ancients built the mysterious stone circles which are still scattered through parts of Northern Europe.

So as close as you can to the times listed below make like your own priest/ess and set intentions to be brave and fearless as you invite innovation for your life and let go of the past. It could just be life changing!!! Here’s a recap of Eclipse magic…

  • Likened to a supercharged New or Full Moon – strong reactions
  • Fated events or destiny points – wildcards that shake us up & move us forward very rapidly – provide us with what we need to get us moving i.e. rival/critic/benefactor – pieces of puzzle revealed
  • “Outside” events beyond our control with lasting outcomes
  • Big news you long remember – buy/sell homes – start/finish business – new partners/endings – babies – inheritances/loss of income source – new pet/lose one – health issues – surprises/shocks
  • Cross bridge to ‘new land’ with no going back – ready for new phase
  • Consider proposals & decisions but don’t act 2 weeks either side – wait for more info & let dust settle – don’t make empty threats
  • Compress ‘time’ & speed things up – timetables change
  • Show us capabilities & strengths that may surprise us – face fears etc.
  • If on Birthday particularly important shifts/changes/open new 19 yrs.
  • Note all news & signals as can foretell big changes on the way

Lunar Eclipse July 27 LA 1.20pm  NY 4.20pm  UK 9.20pm  OZ 7.20am 28th   Solar Eclipse August 11 LA 1.47am  NY 4.47am   UK 9.47am  OZ 7.47pm

Here is the link to my free e-book “Depression – Finding the Light in the Darkness”.  Time to check in for a session with me? Blessings and love to you all Maggie

Recap of Mars from my June letter…

Please remember Mr. Mars can arouse anger and conflict on the downside and in his positive expression offers great courage and the confidence to do our own thing in the inventive sign of Aquarius. So be very aware of the tendency for ruptures between polarized positions and pick your battles wisely right through into November when he leaves Aquarius and heads into Pisces. Staying objective and non-reactive is essential as we focus on our own need to adapt to change and re-invent our lives.

OK so let’s explore the deeper implications of this rare Mars in Aquarius retrograde phase. The last time he was here and in this connection with Uranus in Taurus was 1939. Any bells and whistles going off yet? Here’s where I encourage you to stay very objective as I share this information as I state yet again that my politics is “peace” and I am merely an Astrologer who uses historical cycles for insight into current cycles and their potential. In other words “don’t shoot the messenger” lol.

Here is the 1939 timeline of Mars retro in Aquarius with Uranus in Taurus.

  • May  Jupiter into Aries (where Chiron now) – Mars entered Aquarius – Rome-Berlin Axis – Hitler proclaims he wants to move into Poland
  • June   Pluto into Leo – Test flight of 1st rocket – Jewish refugees denied entry into USA
  • July  Saturn into Taurus (where Uranus now) NB. Hitler’s Sun is O deg Taurus  – Mars retro into Cap
  • Aug  Sat square Pluto – NNode 0 Scorp – Hitler “T4 Euthanasia Program” – Holland & Poland mobilize
  • Sept  Mars in Cap Retrograde– Hitler invades Poland & 1st WWII begins – Soviet Union invades Eastern Poland –  Mars re-enters Aquarius
  • Oct  Mars Aquarius opposition Pluto Leo –  Hitler deports Jews –  Einstein informs FDR of potential of atomic bomb – First animal conceived by artificial insemination
  • Nov    Exact square to Uranus Taurus 20 degrees Nov 4th and 5th – Nazis begin mass murder of Warsaw Jews –

I know this is heavy stuff and I’m certainly not calling that this current phase will open another major war although the Iran situation is a concern…but some of the echoes are rather chilling. We are now in the midst of cyber wars, currency wars and the crypto currency revolution, massive control of populations via data mining, biological wars. Yep it’s all happening. But to what end? When are we finally going to transcend the ages old paradigm of control through polarization and the belief that war is normal? Well it is up to us to heal this within our own nature so we can accelerate the global Aquarian shift that honors co-operation and unity to use our global resources consciously for the benefit of all…not just the global elite.

Astrological cycles are so rich in insight. If only our human species would learn from the mistakes of the past and get on with evolving into ‘conscious co-operation’. We see both the powerful political events of 1939 that would eventually lead to a complete re-organization of the global power structures at the end of WWII. Also the genesis of the technologies that would give rise to atomic power, radar, sonar, first generation computers and rockets. I’ve included another link about the ‘new experiment’ happening right now in the Middle-East to create the first e-hub and in Estonia to create the first e-country. Yikes!

We must not surrender to ‘victim consciousness’ and use our thoughts and words and actions from our ‘safe power’ and compassion, but also be willing to fight for social justice and not just complain about the actions of our so called political and business ‘leaders’.

Past Lives

Astrology and Past Lives 2 day Program

Past Life Therapy is a tool for release and resolution of issues in our current life. By obtaining the birth data of the lifetime from Higher Self while in the regressed state, we also end up with the Horoscopes  for the past lifetimes. AMAZING STUFF! Groups of 8 people only for this unique program.

Sat/Sun 22 & 23 September OR

Sat/Sun 27 & 28 October

Flier and Bookings


Solstice Celebrations as Sun Enters Cancer + free ebook ‘Depression – Finding the Light in the Dark’


Solstice greetings as our Sun heads into Cancer on June 21st marking the longest day for you kids up north and for us down in Southern climes…the shortest! The thing is it doesn’t matter if you are north or south, the principles of the Sign of Cancer apply for us all as the time each year when we must nurture our lives and celebrate the love and joy of family and friends.

Cancer is the sign of feeling and needs and emotional safety. The recent tragic celebrity suicides has opened a new round of conversations into the high incidence of ‘Depression’ in our culture. So I was inspired to create an e-book “Depression – Finding the Light in the Darkness” where I link ideas from Astrology and Psychotherapy. As varying degrees of depression are part of our human condition I trust  you may find this material  insightful. Here is the link to my free gift to you.

We have such a sharp contrast of planetary forces in operation over the next few months as this bizarre year continues to unfold so let’s check what the planets have in store for us in late June and into July.

I’ve been sitting here for ages trying to get this letter started as things are so complex right now it is hard to know where to start! The word fiasco keeps springing to mind as I observe the crazy mechanizations of our broken system in these tumultuous times. So the questions become how do we stay sane and healthy and positive in this complex world and how can we USE these radical change signals to upgrade our own lives? 

Well it helps to know that we are in a ‘dark dream phase’ of personal and global activity and that as life is cyclical this will be followed by a fresh ‘light dream’ new phase in due course. I talk all about this in my free e-book “Depression – Finding the Light in the Darkness”. We must not surrender to ‘victim consciousness’ and use our thoughts and words and actions from our ‘safe power’ and compassion, but also be willing to fight for social justice and not just complain about the actions of our so called political and business ‘leaders’.

So we have the interweaving forces of two main sets of planetary players at work as we head into late June and the July “Eclipse Season”. First there is Jupiter in Scorpio as he continues his dance with Neptune in Pisces offering us deep healing and transformation if we are willing to let go of old insecure feelings and fears. Their process since late 2017 has revealed the abuse and misuse of power via the Harry Weinstein trigger giving rise to movements such as #metoo beginning to empower women & marginalized groups and completely calling out the white male supremacy system.

As this Jupiter/Neptune combo makes us extremely sensitive energetically it becomes imperative to really nurture and protect our ‘personal space’ from negative influences! This is also how we stay sane and well lol. So here’s your checklist – avoid negative people, don’t worry…about people and events, lots of sleep and rest whenever possible, EAT WELL and give up processed foods and sugars, turn off your devices and WIFI at night, research natural remedies to research pharmaceutical drug treatments, be silly and laugh as much as possible!!   

Then we have Mars in Aquarius in his challenging standoff with Uranus in Taurus since mid-May offering us “Impulsive and restless energies with the urge to revolt against restrictive authority…sudden expression of anger…explosive change. On the upside, it awakens fabulous new freedom to take action into brand new directions allowing us to break free of the past and invent marvelous new realities.”

Aquarius rules political systems and the opposite sign Leo brings us the leaders that run this system and we can expect lots of sudden reversals of fortune for these people during the next 5 months. We’ve already seen lots of unexpected Aquarian type events morphing global shifts since mid-May!

The Trump Kim meeting brought together arguably the two most archetypal characters of our time as extreme unconscious capitalist meets and praises extreme unconscious dictator – Trump & Sessions initiating the “Zero Tolerance’ process separating families during deportation creating a massive backlash from all sides – Trump’s trade tariff announcements & insults to their closest neighbor and supposedly closest ally Trudeau, plus accelerating the ‘trade wars’ with China –  The G7 Meeting & “A war of words erupting between the US and its G7 allies, hours after the group had put on an apparent show of unity at the end of a tense summit.” – and today the news of US withdrawal from the U.N. Human Rights Council.

G7 Meeting

Love this pic!! Please remember that during periods of chaotic evolutionary morphs our collective unconscious ‘throws up’ a maverick change agent to disrupt existing systems. So I am quite open to the idea that Trump is calling out the status quo. Trouble is he is driven by such uninformed impulsive words and actions that he alienates rather than includes and his “it’s all about the deal” regardless of outcomes for people and environment make it hard to see him in a positive light.

There was another highly significant meeting over the same 2 days as the G7 as The Bilderberg World Economic Forum convened for their annual summit at Davos Switzerland. This little publicized group actually sets major global policy and yet we hear so little about them, and minutes and policy decisions are not made public. I have included the Horoscope for the group and some links for your interest at the end of this little narrative.

So back to our personal outcomes. You have until June 27th to activate fresh ingredients in your world before Mars begins his retrograde phase in the sign of Aquarius right through until mid-Sept. During this 10 week period things will feel less frantic… which is great. Use this time to work on developing practical steps and systems, and don’t be dismayed if you feel less motivated as this is simply the time between the initial fresh burst of activity and the right time to release fresh projects…after mid-September.

As we have seen Mr. Mars can arouse anger and conflict on the downside and in his positive expression offers great courage and the confidence to do our own thing in the inventive sign of Aquarius. So be very aware of the tendency for ruptures between polarized positions and pick your battles wisely right through into November when he leaves Aquarius and heads into Pisces. Staying objective and non-reactive is essential as we focus on our own need to adapt to change and re-invent our lives.

I have christened this Mars Aquarius with Uranus in Taurus period “freedom from attachment” as it opens a major process essential to the liberation and freedom beyond our current material world paradigm where so many people remain debt slaves to our commercial system. It asks us to begin to question our ‘values’ and need to possess and control objects and people so we can feel safe. I will talk more about this over coming months so for now just ponder this idea ok?

OK so let’s explore the deeper implications of this rare Mars in Aquarius retrograde phase. The last time he was here and in this connection with Uranus in Taurus was 1939. Any bells and whistles going off yet? Here’s where I encourage you to stay very objective as I share this information as I state yet again that my politics is “peace” and I am merely an Astrologer who uses historical cycles for insight into current cycles and their potential. In other words “don’t shoot the messenger” lol.

Here is the 1939 timeline of Mars retro in Aquarius with Uranus in Taurus.

  • May  Jupiter into Aries (where Chiron now) – Mars entered Aquarius – Rome-Berlin Axis – Hitler proclaims he wants to move into Poland
  • June   Pluto into Leo – Test flight of 1st rocket – Jewish refugees denied entry into USA – 1st African American female judge
  • July  Saturn into Taurus (where Uranus now) NB. Hitler’s Sun is O deg Taurus  – Mars retro into Cap
  • Aug  Sat square Pluto – NNode 0 Scorp – Hitler “T4 Euthanasia Program” – Holland & Poland mobilize
  • Sept  Mars in Cap Retrograde– Hitler invades Poland & 1st WWII begins – Soviet Union invades Eastern Poland –  Mars re-enters Aquarius
  • Oct  Mars Aquarius opposition Pluto Leo –  Hitler deports Jews –  Einstein informs FDR of potential of atomic bomb – First animal conceived by artificial insemination
  • Nov    Exact square to Uranus Taurus 20 degrees Nov 4th and 5th – Nazis begin mass murder of Warsaw Jews –

I know this is heavy stuff and I’m certainly not calling that this current phase will open another major war although the Iran situation is a concern…but some of the echoes are rather chilling. We are now in the midst of cyber wars, currency wars and the crypto currency revolution, massive control of populations via data mining, biological wars. Yep it’s all happening. But to what end? When are we finally going to transcend the ages old paradigm of control through polarization and the belief that war is normal? Well it is up to us to heal this within our own nature so we can accelerate the global Aquarian shift that honors co-operation and unity to use our global resources consciously for the benefit of all…not just the global elite.

Astrological cycles are so rich in insight. If only our human species would learn from the mistakes of the past and get on with evolving into ‘conscious co-operation’. We see both the powerful political events of 1939 that would eventually lead to a complete re-organization of the global power structures at the end of WWII. Also the genesis of the technologies that would give rise to atomic power, radar, sonar, first generation computers and rockets. I’ve included another link about the ‘new experiment’ happening right now in the Middle-East to create the first e-hub and in Estonia to create the first e-country. Yikes!

OK so moving right along. Two days after Mars turns retrograde we have our Full Moon with Sun @ 6 degrees Cancer opposite Moon in Capricorn on June 28th. Wish I could say this is a fun story but with Saturn joining the Moon in Capricorn it’s very business like and a tad serious…sorry! But it’s also very productive and great for dealing with family situations that need to be reviewed or released. There is a yummy connection with Jupiter in Scorpio offering excellent support from other people’s resources to empower your current re-invention goals.

This Full Moon is the preparation for the dramatic eclipses, three of them, in July and August. We have two “Eclipse Seasons” each year six months apart  and if a particular eclipse triggers one of your natal planets then major evolutionary shifts are on offer. Time to check in for a session with me?

The first in this series is a Solar Eclipse on July 13th @ 20 degrees Cancer.  So this is a New Moon with Sun and Moon in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn. Powerful stuff with deep transformational outcomes within family systems and your own emotional world. This doesn’t have to be awful if you accept that situations are morphing into new phases and it will all be OK for all concerned! The potential here involves really empowering and nurturing your goals and outcomes!

This 19 year cycle takes us back to July/August 1999 that brought us the ‘Grand Fixed Cross Eclipse’ as we headed toward the Millennium 2000 and the Nostradamus end of world predictions were in full swing, and the ‘Millennium Bug’ was going to take down computer networks…remember? What was happening in your life then as here lie clues for current possibilities.

This one has a big history in Mr. Trump’s life with previous 19 year cycles bringing him great loss and also great gains. It’s always tricky to ‘predict’ outcomes, all we can say is that major shifts are on the way for his worldly outcomes and his family.

I will explore the next Lunar Eclipse of July 27th and an extra Solar Eclipse on August 11th in my next letter. I am pooped for now as this has all taken lots of research and putting it all together!!

My warmest wishes to you all. Stay inspired and positive. All is well within the greater scheme of creation!

Here is the link to the Bilderberg Meeting guest list and the Horoscope below for those who enjoy this tool.

Capture Bilderberg + June 7th 2018

Here’s the link to my extensive 150 page 2018 Global Report & Horoscopes if you missed it.

Upcoming Workshops & Trainings

All about the Nodes + the Eclipse Season July Aug 2018

Saturday 28th July 2018

The relationship between the ‘destiny points’ that arise from the Nodes of the Moon and the twice-yearly Eclipse Seasons create major evolutionary portals. Covering the North and South Nodes meaning in each sign PLUS the Eclipses on the way in July and August.

Flier and Bookings

Astrology and Past Lives 2 day Program

Past Life Therapy is a tool for release and resolution of issues in our current life. By obtaining the birth data of the lifetime from Higher Self while in the regressed state, we also end up with the Horoscopes  for the past lifetimes. AMAZING STUFF!

Groups of 8 people only for this unique program.

Sat/Sun 25 & 26 August OR

Sat/Sun 22 & 23 September OR

Sat/Sun 27 & 28 October

Flier and Bookings

Reply to this email OR contact me to book in.











Uranus Enters Taurus Opening New 84 Year Cycle + Mars Enters Aquarius Horoscopes!

Uranus in Taurus 2018 to 2025

Please join me in welcoming an unprecedented new era on May 16th as revolutionary Uranus enters Taurus for the first time since 1934 on the New Moon in Taurus… whoosh quite a synchronization of new beginnings! Sky God Uranus is famed for his maverick rule breaking eccentricities…he actually lies on his side at 90 degrees in the Solar System!

So as we enter this new 7 year period we have Sky coming down to EARTH in Taurus to upset and energize our financial and environmental models into startling and exciting new dimensions.

Plus we have an amazing ‘not only but also’ addition to the global re-set of 2018 as activator Mars zooms into the sign of revolution & change…Aquarius…also on May 16th! This is particularly significant as he will spend SIX months in Aquarius until November due to his retrograde phase this year!

So when we add these ingredients together we get a picture forming of a host of sudden and unexpected shifts and developments coming into play from mid May. These forces offer the radical solutions needed to begin to heal our Earth with a completely new set of values underpinning our relationship to HER. So read on for a deeper coverage of this MAJOR global gear change PLUS your Horoscopes for Mars in Aquarius!

Here’s the link to my extensive 150 page 2018 Global Report & Horoscopes if you missed it. With all the changes on the way it’s a great time to book a session!

Uranus in Taurus is challenged by Mars in Aquarius as they both enter their new signs on 16th/17th  May, and again in late July/early August and finally in mid to late September 2018. This brings Impulsive and restless energies with the urge to revolt against restrictive authority…sudden expression of anger…explosive change. On the upside, it awakens fabulous new freedom to take action into brand new directions allowing us to break free of the past and invent marvelous new realities. I am going for this option!

These dates will bring highly volatile activity with shocks and surprises at every level with the usual caution to expect the unexpected. We’ve already seen just how quickly situations can change with the recent sudden North/South Korea Détente, so these shocks don’t have to be a bad thing!  As Aquarius rules ‘politics & leaders’ get set for instant about faces & re-alignments of parties & alliances.

Uranus AND Mars also connect exactly with Chiron freshly in Aries for his new 50 year cycle bringing onto the scene HEROIC new characters who represent the true will of ‘the people’ who are thoroughly disillusioned with and OVER the refusal of current leaders to create a sustainable plan to deal with the issues that confront us as a collective! I wish we could clone the wonderful New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern…young and fresh and brave and getting on with major social improvement in only a few short months.

Mars in Aquarius highlights ‘activism’ as a keynote & with Taurus associations involving money we could be in for a wild ride with global financial markets and the next phase of the Crypto revolution that will completely transform our financial world over the next 7 years!  On a positive note we have just had a Royal Commission into the ‘Banking Sector’ in Oz, with stunning revelations of financial services irregularities in all 4 major banks and big insurance companies.

This accords with Saturn in Capricorn this year bringing the need for accountability and healthy regulation of our global Ponzi scheme banking model. It will be interesting to see what punishments will come to pass lol. After the 2008 GFC not a single individual was ever charged or jailed!! This highlights the essence of current corporate culture requiring profit at the expense of moral obligation to clients and the health of our world.

Sudden changes also for Taurean environmental systems are on the cards here and I’m heartened by the re-cycling issue coming onto the front burner in just the past week here in Oz, and announcement from major plastics manufacturers to commit to greater re-cycling of their products. Even though our rivers and oceans have been drowning in plastic for decades it’s like people are finally starting to wake up!

Ask yourself how would you operate without plastic in your life & then start implementing easy changes…like BYO cloth bags to buy your vegies (don’t buy the ones in plastic) that you place straight into your fridge!  Uranus in Aries over the past 7 years has brought the techno revolution loaded with all the inventions and solutions we need to deal with the decimation of our earth. Uranus in Taurus now demands practical implantation into ACTION.

Meanwhile let’s not forget ‘bountiful lucky Jupiter’ sliding through Scorpio since late 2017 expanding our relationship to the ‘feminine’ to counteract the “toxic” masculine power & control that has been ‘normal’ for thousands of years! These feminine qualities are often in short supply in our political discourse, religious institutions and even our most intimate relationships — including mercy, wisdom, and deep compassion and other capacities, which we need to reclaim personally and collectively. In our fast-paced, media-centric culture, we’re increasingly disconnected from our life force…We’re losing touch with this vital connection — the very source that can heal our bodies, balance our emotions and awaken our consciousness. By bringing our attention inwards and trusting our energies, we’re able to recalibrate our bodies, our minds, our emotions and our Spirit.

So how do we manage these fast paced evolutionary forces? Enjoy the excitement of your urge to upgrade into fresh possibilities. Stay open to rad ideas knowing that things won’t feel clearer until June…and that’s OK.  Until then keep healing your ‘fear voice’ with safe messages that it’s ok to risk new options or you will simply remain stale and uninspired…and that’s no fun at all. Stay very flexible when sudden shifts upset your old systems and constructs.

Uranus is a smart i.e. intelligent feature so stay alert for sudden flashes of insight or ideas that spin you into fab new possibilities that may be right out of the box from your old view of your potential. Then use Saturn in Capricorn for a reality check and create a ‘plan’! If we are aware of the need for innovation and change this allows ‘the Universe’ to support our growth, whereas if we resist this our unconscious mind will create it anyway…sometimes in the form of upsetting things whether we like them or not!

As Uranus asks us to break free of past conditions our core self-worth needs to be in very good condition, so whenever you get a bit wobbly as things start morphing in your life or the outer world close your eyes and say “I am safe and secure as I grow and change”. “I am prosperous!”

Here are your Mars in Aquarius Horoscopes for each sign. If you’d like an in-depth overview of Uranus in Taurus including a rundown on the unfolding Petro$ war AND Crypto currency revolution AND the possible scenarios around financial meltdown here is my 150 Page 2018 Global Report & Horoscopes for US$12  Make sure to read your Sun sign + Moon & Ascendant signs. If you don’t know these just book in for a session to learn how to work with the many ingredients that make you tick!

Aries      In May your ruler Mars charges into Aquarius until November to activate and energize your friendships and groups, along with progressive ideas and all things inventive. The upside here brings a fabulous host of dynamic new people and ideas to stimulate your options and connections. Ideally we are talking about your ‘like-minded group or tribe’ who share your vision and urge for humanitarian reform, or at least are ready to think and do things differently. So reach out to new people, groups and organizations and at best you can work with a progressive team project as long as you’re not invested in ‘your way or the highway’, as this requires co-operation. The downside can bring reactive interactions with existing friends and setting up rejection by others…or you doing the rejecting! This is a provocative time with heaps of stimulus and the urge to break free of stale situations so your sense of rebellion may be high. Just don’t be the ‘rebel without a cause’.

Taurus  A BIG feature for you this year arrives as activator Mars ignites your 10th House of Career from mid-May until November, bringing an exciting period where you can make real progress toward your current goals or bring fresh innovations, or in some cases a brand new career path. Your competitive urge is strong here and ideally Mars likes to be free to take decisions and actions and do his own thing. Just be aware that your urge for freedom from old systems may mean you aren’t very tolerant of other people’s authority so avoid challenging anyone too directly. Then they may indeed provide valuable support. Perhaps you have a sudden revelation that you can’t do the same old thing anymore, or have a brilliant idea that is destined to change your life focus. This combo is future orientated so just hold the charge on any knee jerk reactions that may upset things unnecessarily.

Gemini                 Mars in Aquarius zooms into your zone of ‘expanded horizons’ from mid-May until November, so you’re off and away for journeys both intellectually and physically and in some cases these can happen suddenly and take you to unexpected shores. You will be hungry for fresh stimulating people and knowledge beyond the old models that have outworn their time. Mars will trigger your urge for rebellion and calling out stupid ideas and beliefs, but this is not a time for extreme views and words or you just become part of the problem energetically…if you know what I mean. Never has it been more essential for intelligent conversations about how we can constructively adapt and plan for greater social justice and solutions to big global problems. As the conversation people of the Zodiac you now get to start making a difference!

Cancer                 From May your focus is drawn to all things financial as Mars in Aquarius zooms into your sector of “shared resources, inheritances and investments” until mid-November. So use this excellent phase to explore innovative options for financial freedom for the future, as this can stir up your urge to take action for positive financial upgrades if you are frustrated by current scenarios, or begin to realize that the game is changing and you need to smarten up. The caution is to be careful of his impulsive tendency to get excited about a brand new idea and make sudden changes without care and consideration. And, whatever you do avoid making decisions without consulting your partners or those with whom you share resources as this can create resistance or resentment…got it? Another excellent feature here brings a zap to your libido and general sense of empowerment. Enjoy!

Leo        Get ready for some sizzle and highly charged shifts and changes in your partnerships when Mr Mars in Aquarius comes calling for an extended tour of your ‘relationship’ zone in mid-May until November. The upside brings exciting new people into your sphere with clever ideas that provoke your quest for new ingredients in your life. Be aware this can also upset exciting situations or trigger conflict with others who may feel threatened if you come on too strong with your Leo passion, so avoiding drama is a great idea. At best your confidence and courage light up your life and the world! The general call here is your need for greater autonomy or individuation in both your business and personal partnerships, and the trick is to not ‘unconsciously invite’ them to resist your need for freedom by making you the bad guy/gal. “I can be close AND be free” is your mantra, and simply explaining that you need more space to explore your potential right now, and this does not threaten them. Indeed if they let you individuate and be free to be you, they will get a better-improved version!

Virgo                    Activator Mars in Aquarius heads into your zone of “daily work and service and routines” from mid-May through to November. He’s the trail blazing energizer planet so get set for some exciting and possibly sudden developments in your regular work routines, with a key theme here involving your need for freedom to initialize new projects or bring in cutting ideas or technology to your work place. Ideally, it is great to work independently if possible and if not, let people know you would appreciate more space and time to ‘think tank’ and develop your ideas. As this is also your “health house” Mars inspires you to implement a new health plan and/or to do the doctor/dentist thing and make sure all systems are in good shape, especially your diet as your gut is very sensitive. Mars can also activate acute inflammatory conditions, or cause us to have accidents if we are angry or frustrated and not dealing with this. If you are cranky about anything just stamp your feet and get it out of your system OK?

Libra                     Things are about to get very busy as Mars heads into Aquarius from mid-May right through until November bringing his original maverick energy to play in your zone of “creativity passion and joy”. So here comes a big burst of “hey I want to be me” fired up to express who you are with all your passion! Your “Free Child” wants to come out to play. In terms of using this fab electric energy ‘creatively’ it’s all about innovative ideas and actions and this may involve connecting with new groups or community activity, or perhaps getting involved with your children’s school projects, as kids are a feature during this six month period. As this Aquarian energy is designed to build strength to be ‘different’ and not conform, then yes the word ‘rebellion’ may apply to your kids PLUS your own “inner child” as you are also individuating!

Scorpio                A big up-shift on the home front arrives from mid-May through to November as activator Mars zooms into Aquarius and your “home and family” sector to free-up existing family structures. This can bring sudden and ‘unexpected’ events into play, things might just ‘happen’ and you need to respond to changing conditions…with calm poise…got it! If a family member wants to fly the coop let them go. If you get a fabulous opportunity and you need to ask your family to let you accept it and be more self-reliant for a while then just ask them. Get the idea? Mars is very impulsive and just says “hey let’s make a change”…sell the house or whatever. So take note of what arises from mid-May and be careful not to do knee jerk reactions from late June to mid-August. This timing is best for planning and exploring options, or to ‘work on things’, so this can be great for a home renovation and getting rid of old stuff. The Aquarian feature is also cool for upgrading sustainable technology in your home such as solar power and water re-cycling.  After mid-September you are free to move forward with major changes like selling or moving.

Sagittarius          Mars is the dynamic God of action who is about to spend 6 months in the stimulating sign of Aquarius stirring things up in your “mind & mouth” sector between mid-May and November. This picks up the pace of daily life big time with ‘short distance journeys’ so planes and cars will feature, along with a fab activation of your social and techno ‘networks’ so I’m sure your gypsy heart is pleased to hear this! This is a splendid time to explore the latest cutting edge knowledge and inventions, and connecting with stimulating people and info through your networks, or perhaps your progressive ‘seed planting’ info is finally ready to be heard. So Mars can give you the courage to do your ‘disseminating’ thing and write/teach or publish your ‘ideas whose time has come’, with best results after October 9th.  Mars can be aggressive in his approach to both gathering and sharing ideas, so be aware that you may come on a bit strong here and there in your excitement. As Sag tends to be a bit over the top at the best of times just take care not to incite arguments if other people don’t get what you’re on about.

Capricorn            What you value and how you spend and invest your money come onto the front burner from mid-May until November when pioneering Mars in Aquarius zooms into your “money” sector, bringing his impulse to start doing things differently. Mars is in hyper inventive, innovative and progressive mode so it’s time to free up any old beliefs that ‘you are what you own’. Caps are typically very security conscious and work hard to gather resources and wealth so you can ‘feel safe’. And this is fine as long as you’re not too attached to ‘things’ and believe these make you valuable! Between mid-May and late June you’re enthusiastic to set fresh goals that liberate your values and financial world, then until mid-August it’s great to do your think tanking and research for fresh options. This can also be a time of frustration and delays around income or bring sudden outgoings, so just stay cool and remember that the new balls aren’t all lined up just yet. Delays will clear and you are free to move forward with new plans after September 11th through to mid-November.

Aquarius             A brilliant cycle arrives as Mars zooms into Aquarius from mid-May until November to light up your independent free spirit with an extra charge of action and adventure. This is fab news and is very congruent with progressive Jupiter in busy career mode growth. This period brings fast- paced progress with confidence and excitement, and daring to use your determination to make some things happen beyond your comfort zone. Some lively like-minded innovative people and ideas are on the way hoorah! You will have plenty of energy and can get lots done, with a caution to be aware of other people’s needs as you also feel like being incredibly selfish! Aquarius is independence personified at the best of times and Mars now drives your freedom to be who you are even more, so this is a great period to do your own thing with complete confidence that your nuts ideas and world-view have been genius all along!

Pisces                   As activator Mars energizes Aquarius from mid-May until November 2018 he lights up your ‘psychological and spiritual’ inner spaces to switch on new levels of faith and trust in the future. Mars impels us to take action and pioneer new levels of our potential so get set for genius ideas to arrive in your meditation and ‘daydreams’ as you’ll be craving time away from the madding crowd! Great for films and docos and good quality e-time, or you may be inspired to release your inner artist, as you guys are the ‘downloaders’ of visionary images of the future after all. This is also great timing to release any old compulsive anger patterns as you are by nature sensitive souls who practice “passive rage” rather than owning and dealing with your frustrations. So it’s time to start practicing “healthy assertiveness”, by simply saying how you feel and what you need…ok? It is also time to give up the classic Pisces victim/martyr issues, where you are busy rescuing people…or needing to be rescued. What a fabulous opportunity to get clear about old behavior patterns that have been limiting your psychological wellness!

SO set your intentions on May 16th on the Taurus New Moon to be open to exciting change and innovation for your life! Blessings and love to you all Maggie

Upcoming Workshops & Trainings

In-depth with Uranus in Taurus “Heaven Down to Earth”  One day Seminar Saturday 26th May 2018

The God of Change is the most exciting dude of all…in my opinion but I’m an Aquarian so that’s a no-brainer! He operates through the Pineal Gland to connect us to the ‘higher mind’ to access ideas & inventions that innovate our world hence his renegade, outsider, ‘dare to be different’ feature. So let’s spend a day with this exciting chaos agent. He is just wonderful!

  • 84 year Uranus cycle & duration in each sign or ‘generational Uranus’
  • The Uranus Archetype personally & collectively
  • Overview of Uranus in Aries from 2011 to May 2018
  • The larger impact of Uranus in Taurus for the next 7 years

Reply to this email OR contact me to book in. is the International Society for Astrological Research – the only global group that is open to all no matter your level of astro interest. Check it out! I am the Ozzie rep so feel free to contact me for further details.

Action Stations as Sun Enters Aries & New Natural Year Begins!

Sun in Aries March 21st opensour new Natural Year!

Greetings friends as I return from my sojourn in ‘Piscesville’ full of gratitude on so many levels! Yes I am now Titanium Maggie with my new hip & what a fab opportunity to practice ‘being here now’ & doing the big surrender to the place of non-action. Such an interesting process & it does indeed sum up the whole Pisces journey.

I love the way synchronicity arrives as just what we need to hear so I am recommending ‘The Dalai Lama’s Cat’ to EVERYONE as a charming & powerful gift to yourself for a reminder of Buddhist basics…& it is written by the cat!

OK so off I/we go into our new Solar Round on Weds 21st March at the Vernal Equinox with an excellent kick from Sunday’s New Moon in Pisces to complete our old year. This was the last NM with Chiron in Pisces over the last 7 years, so was loaded with in-depth insights & healing & compassion. Chiron moves into Aries in April…more on this in the main section…

This Aries Ingress is charged up with Mars freshly in Capricorn at his ambitious most productive best…until mid-May. Mars challenges us to be brave & enterprising beyond old models & also keep things steady!

Get set also for a Mercury retro period between March 22nd & mid-April. He is also  in Aries so use this time to develop the zappy startling new concepts zinging around as you also curb the urge to impulsive or angry words.

Here’s the link to my extensive 150 page 2018 Global Report & Horoscopes if you missed it.

The most important thing we can do to support our lives is WORK WITH the Natural Year from March 21st & add each ingredient month by month!

12 System










When are they finally going to start teaching this powerful stuff in Schools? The main reason why our world is so out of balance is because we got ‘disconnected’ from nature by the Gregorian Calendar 400 years ago!! Just use this guide & put the dates & actions to take for each ‘natural month’ in your diary ok? You will be stunned how amazing it is to be in synch with the true creative flow of our year! If you’d like the in-depth program from my ’12 System Toolkit’ including details of this monthly process it’s right here!!

As Aries is the beginning of the 12-fold Zodiac process we are impelled to take action & initiate new territory for our creative journey for the year ahead.  Action & adventure, along with risks & challenges motivate this feature in all of us to dare to leave behind the past & open new pathways. Your mantra is “It’s safe for me to open new doors for fresh adventures. I am brave & I love life!”

As Saturn & Mars in Capricorn are midwifing this new Aries beginning the message is have a plan, take full responsibility for your independent activity & dare to set strategic goals that are also realistic. Mars catches up with Saturn on April 1st & 2nd bringing a frustrating few days when it’s best to just focus on your goals & tasks and duck when incoming idiots are strutting their stuff. There could be big bizz/govt actions of seriously heavy war like proportions, so once again don’t go off just wait until the dust settles ok?

We have a much lighter ingredient courtesy of beautiful Venus in her home sign Taurus from April 1st to 24th so enjoy her desire for pleasure & music & gardens to uplift your spirit & focus on your ‘self-worth’ as the keystone of your future successes!!

Chiron is our ‘wounded healer’ centaur whose entrance into Aries on April 17th begins a new 50 year cycle!! Here’s a quick overview from my 2018 Report…

Chiron is the newest member of our Solar System, discovered in 1977 and cycling between Saturn and Uranus with a 50-year cycle. When a new planet becomes visible to us, it activates a new archetype in our collective psyche that demands recognition as an ingredient in our evolutionary process.

The astronomers named him Chiron (no they don’t ask Astrologers they just use whatever name is next on the list of Gods/esses). Then low and behold, the attributes of the mythological God mysteriously correlate with the unfolding narrative of our Global process. Big time synchronicity here, as with so many other Astro phenomena! In Greek mythology he was held to be the superlative centaur, as he was called as the “wisest and justest of all the centaurs”.

His myth contains rising above the pain of his abandonment and rejection to become a wise healer and teacher to many of the great Greek heroes, and mythically the Centaur horse-man symbolically unites our mortal and immortal nature. The horse is considered to be the bridge between the world of form and the world of the unseen. His position between the ‘known boundaries’ of Saturn and the higher consciousness of Uranus gives rise to his “rainbow bridge” title, and his process that brings crisis forcing us to confront our Saturn fears and limitations that keep us stuck in our lower nature.

So he’s the link between our lower and higher nature, which has been available to us since his sighting in 1977.  Yes the Uranus Neptune & Pluto ingredients have been with us over the last few hundred years paving the way for the incoming Age of Aquarius, but it wasn’t until Chiron brought his shaman healing process into the story that we’ve been confronted with the reality of our disconnect from nature and wholeness of a healthy world.

1977 is the year when our Sun began his 72-year passage to align with the Galactic Plane so yes another fascinating timing correlation! So Chiron connects us to Galactic Consciousness! (BTW the mid-point of this was 21.12.12 the end/beginning date for the Mayan Calendar 26,000 cycle.) OK so on with Chiron in Aries. He was last here between May 1968 until May 1977, so we haven’t experienced a Chiron in Aries transit since he was discovered, which was in November 1977.

Yes, the planets are still there even if we don’t know about them, but we experience their magnetisms intuitively or in a non-rational mode. Once they are in our objective awareness they become a much more active force.

As Aries is the beginning of the Zodiac round….or the ‘World Degree’, our wounded healer enters a pioneering period on May 18th 2018 that completes in May 2068 after his 50 year cycle passage! So when a major player like Chiron triggers this degree it brings about an ‘Initiation’ or new beginning – a psychological re-birth that challenges us to transform our concept of reality!

The Aries process contains our confident ‘healthy will’ so we can be brave and courageous and say yes to new adventures into the future. At best, it is the questing spirit in us that dares to risk letting go of the familiar, even if this familiar isn’t too great! And as recent times on the third rock from the Sun have shown, we have a major issue with this ‘healthy will’ business, as the ‘damaged will’ brings us aggression and anger and all the defenses and overcompensations that arise when we don’t feel safe or that we have the ‘right to exist’.

Thus, Chiron’s job over the next NINE years is to reveal this crisis clearly, so we can sort out this primary component in our human makeup! Goddess knows this is essential if we are to ever build a peaceful world. Functional Aries (and Mars who rules Aries) brings us “healthy assertiveness” where we feel safe enough to assert ourselves in the world, and communicate to ask for our needs to be met, without fear of retribution or judgment or rejection or being made wrong.  The trouble is that most folks aren’t safe enough to do this and are stuck in the “passive aggressive split”!

They either believe they have no power to act OR are over-reactive and defiant with a determination to defeat apparent opposition and are unable to co-operate to invite support. This can also mean they please and comply and put up with stuff (and seethe) in their attempts to get loved, and safe, and to ‘belong’. Then when this doesn’t work, they get aggressive and angry and destructive, and end up with the very outcomes they are trying to avoid! Classic stuff.

So the SAFE outcome here requires we have a good look at our compliance or aggression patterns and make the decision to change them, and let go of our defensive behaviors. If you’re relating to this or have friends/family members who may benefit, here’s your re-programming message. “It is safe for me to assert myself – to be authentic – to be brave – to belong – to matter”. Just say this to yourself many times a day as you hold your hand over your belly, the seat of our emotions.

Aries is about our ‘identity in the world’, so it will be no surprise that millions of folks are about to have a little ‘identity crisis’…lol.  Who am I? Why am I here? And this is not just a superficial matter at this time on planet earth as millions of folks spend their day stuck in jobs they don’t like, to earn money to stay on the treadmill existence of our material world construct. And they aren’t happy!  Which isn’t to say this applies to everyone as lots of folks have done the work to become authentic and are living meaningful happy lives. But lots more aren’t!

The outcome once we’ve faced our fear of flying as an independent creative agent is a whole new level of action, so over the next 9 years we’re about to experience some fabulous people doing some fabulously brave edgy things, daring to be catalysts leading the way for the healing and renewal process on our planet.

And a final note on Aries as the WARRIOR archetype. Conscious warriors are not impulsive or driven by knee jerk reaction. They understand the reality that we need discipline to empower and use our will wisely! Enter Saturn in Capricorn, who makes a challenging connection with Chiron in Aries in July, August and  September 2018, bringing us the classic confrontation between the emerging new consciousness and the old guard resistance to allowing innovation and change. I cover this in detail in the Saturn section, when we also bring Uranus into the story. OK so moving right along…to Mars in Aquarius.”

I’ll be introducing Mars in Aquarius AND Uranus in Taurus in my next letter as they both step into their new signs bringing the next major ingredients in our 2018 unfolding story!

Upcoming Workshops & Trainings

An in-depth Day with Chiron…as he enters Aries!’ One day Seminar Saturday 28th April 2018

One of the major players in our “global re-set” year of 2018 is Chiron entering Aries for the first time since 1968…50 years ago.

So I’m inspired to spend a day with our favourite ‘wounded healer’, so rich in his gifts to us on so many levels. As our world plunges ever deeper into the complexes of the collective anger buried so deep within our culture, how may his process in Aries bring us to a more enlightened outcome over the next 8 years? How can we work with this in our own lives? We will cover:

  • 50 year Chiron cycle & duration in each sign or ‘generational Chiron’
  • The timing of his discovery in 1977 & why he is known as ‘the rainbow bridge’
  • The psychopathology of Chiron including ‘defenses’ & healing opportunities
  • Overview of Chiron in Pisces from February 2011 to April 2018
  • The larger impact of Chiron in Aries as he begins his new 50 year cycle

Reply to this email OR contact me to book in.

Live long & prosper… & here’s the link to my 2018 Global Report & Horoscopes if you missed it.  Maggie