Dec 2020 Update – Eclipses signal bye bye 2020 & HELLO 2021!

Bye bye 2020Sagittarius season is particularly exciting this year with a Lunar Eclipse on Nov 30th paving the way for the amazing finale to this crazy unforgettable year as December opens.
It falls at 8 deg Sag/Gemini – right on USA Uranus – yep change is on the way!
After the heavy EARTH energies of the past 3 years who isn’t ready for a blast of exuberant Sagittarius FIRE to re-ignite our passion & excitement for the new era on the way!
PLUS our little trickster mental master Mercury is finally completing his 8 weeks in deep dark Scorpio where his ‘depression’ feature has been so very challenging!!
He joins the Sun in Sag on Dec 2nd to uplift our thoughts and words with optimism & expansive ideas, and as we are heading into an Aquarian future then nothing is too ingenious or unconventional. Your craziest idea could be the safest…lol.
We also have Mars moving forward in Aries at last after 10 long weeks in holding pattern, and he is in excellent aspect to the Solar Eclipse on Dec 14th  @ 23 deg Sag. Thus things will move forward quickly after mid-Dec both personally & collectively. Interesting that this coincides with the USA Electoral college announcement.
Eclipses are ‘portals’ between life phases so if you are a Sag, Gemini, Virgo or Pisces this eclipse cycle is big for you and may open sudden new pathways.
It is wise to avoid big decisions until a few weeks after but hey sometimes the Universe makes them for you right?
Generally this Solar Eclipse activates large scale ‘dissemination’…of knowledge or information at an international level. Maybe this fits with the Vaccine distribution process beginning, and definitely involves the geo-political chess game shifts on the way under the new USA admin by late January.
BTW the previous Solar Eclipse in this series was December 2001…after which the world changed in oh so many ways.
At best this is archetypal explorer into new horizons territory. Indeed a precursor for the radical Aquarian forces on the way as we reach the Dec 21st Solstice point…when both JUPITER and SATURN meet @ ZERO degrees Aquarius!
Bells & whistles & drum rolls people!
This meeting opens not only a new 20 year cycle for these 2 rulers of the social order – they always meet in even number decades – but also a whole new cycle in Aquarius for the next 200 years! The last time on this huge cycle was in 1226!
Stay tuned for my Jan 2021 letter where I’ll cover the massive implications on this one, but in a nutshell it kicks us forward another notch into the 2000 year Age of Aquarius – & your horoscopes for how this impacts you.
SO yes my friends December is bye bye to the heavy tough Capricorn 2020 story & hello to the year of re-invention in 2021.

SagSagittarius Season Ignites Fresh Purpose &  Direction for 2021!
So where are you inspired to fire your arrows?

After a month in the deep dark transformative waters of Scorpio it’s time to head back out into the world freshly empowered and ready to jump on our trusty horse and own our heroic nature.
Sag is the 9th sign of the Zodiac round, igniting the intrinsic human force that drives us forward into unknown futures in full faith & trust that we will prosper if we stay true to our belief that our purpose is to serve our world…and not just ourselves!
The Hero is the most primitive motif in all cultures…brave and fearless…but also innocent and trusting that somehow the Grail or Golden Fleece is worth the effort to redeem something that has been lost and broken.
Never have we needed our Heroic nature more than right now! So find yourself a Hero in myth or pop culture to inspire you and say the mantra “I am a Hero who has faith I will grow and prosper”.
Sag rules all manner of territory associated with ‘higher learning, truth, dissemination of knowledge, and beliefs’. Thus the media, publishing, education,writing, teaching plus travel and adventure, as this is the sign of seeking!!
Sag is ruled by the fab planet Jupiter – the planet of luck and optimism and enthusiasm. Always seeing the glass half full and that the world is a wonderful place full of opportunity and serendipity.
I LOVE SAG and yes I have Saggie Moon Soul – sometimes accused of being a hopeless optimist but hey what’s the alternative?
On a more serious note the issue of TRUTH and LIES has been front and center in recent times and never more so than right now as these eclipses bring home the essence of the power of media and propaganda to influence our thoughts and decisions.
When we combine this with the Sag BELIEFS territory we must take time & be critical thinkers to examine our own beliefs and just how much they are motivated by mass media and a ‘party line’, or influenced by an ‘us & them’  right or wrong story.
Jupiter & Sag makes things BIG and blows things out of proportion with ‘intolerance’ a major downside.
Personally I strive to remain ‘objective’ as I witness unfolding events and narratives and check in with my heart as to what feels true to my Aquarian ideals. Does an idea or person contribute to making the world a better place for all the kingdoms of nature? The keynote of the Aquarian era from Jan 2021 is driven by conscious co-operation, cohesion and restoring balance and harmony via peaceful solutions.

Love and blessings to you all from Maggie

Please join me for the next intake for Module 1 in Jan 2021
Universal Astrology Certificate e-Course

I welcome you to book a session if you would like to explore your 2021


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