Feb 2018 Astroscape –  2 Awesome Exciting Eclipses open Chinese New Year of the DOG


Our big news for Feb actually comes a day early on Jan 31st as we celebrate an awesome “Full Blood Super Moon Eclipse”…quite the mouthful & yes it promises to be quite the event!

This is followed 2 weeks later by a fab New Moon Solar Eclipse on Feb 16th to open Chinese New Year of the Dog. As both of these profound events are in Aquarius & Leo, it’s all about FREEDOM to open new creative dimensions in our lives.

And personally I’m thrilled that Mars is now free to expand our horizons as he ventures through Sagittarius during Feb, after all the deep intense ‘stuff’ of these past few months in Scorpio…hooray! We also have all planets in DIRECT motion all month allowing the free flow of their various functions, so you can think and act and grow your world without limitations…excellent.

Messenger Mercury is in fine form also in Aquarius, where he delights in the stimulus of mad and progressive ideas & solutions, to say nothing of the interesting innovative people who bring them to us. On that note it’s great for GROUPS & team gatherings such as my 2018 Astro workshop on Feb 3rd…please join us if you are here on the Gold Coast Oz. So now read on for a good look at these 2 Eclipses as we need to know how to handle these intense forces and make the best of them…

Here’s the link to my extensive 150 page 2018 Global Report & Horoscopes if you missed it.

So why are eclipses so important? Eclipses happen twice a year when the sun moon & earth align on the Nodal Axis and they ‘occult’ or block the light of Sun (Solar eclipse) or Moon (Lunar eclipse). They have a 19 year cycle, so any eclipse does not have a relationship with a 6 month previous or later eclipse, but rather with the eclipse from 19 years before!!  So  for insight into previous themes of this eclipse go back 19 years to Feb 1999 and search your memory for unfolding events over the following 6 months.

The Nodes are considered karmic destiny points so these 19 year cycles trigger destiny & open major karmic relationships and events, especially when they trigger our personal chart. As this set is in Aquarius & Leo then you guys are affected, along with Taurus & Scorpios…all the fixed signs.

Historically eclipses can trigger major earth shifts & changes…quakes etc. plus big shifts in cultural & political activity in the regions under the path of the eclipse over the earth…remember the Aug 2017 Great American Total Eclipse last August & the extreme weather events shortly after?! Good news is our Feb eclipses are only Partial so don’t contain such extreme tension.

Eclipse families are called Saros Cycles & they have themes or features. This one is “concerned with ideas and their enthusiastic expression. If it affects your chart you will be flooded with ideas or options that bring positive outcomes.” LOVE IT! This is one of the best Eclipse sets in AGES.

  • Eclipses can have a wildcard effect that that we don’t see coming that shift us from one state to another very quickly for our evolution. They can provide whatever it is we need to get moving even if it is something challenging! They bring new life events that can change us in major ways, such as people leaving our lives or new ones entering.
  • Try not to take major decisions, action or make announcements around the eclipse time but rather wait at least a few weeks to see what events unfold & more information develops. Stay open to sudden developments that take you to unexpected outcomes…i.e. not what you have intended but what your destiny really has in store.

Ancient tradition offers the idea that eclipses offer a periodic ‘pathway to the gods’ as cosmic safety valves, which periodically allow evil forces to escape into the Cosmos, where they will be of no harm to mankind.  According to certain occult theories, the shadow lane of the solar eclipse permitted initiated priests to communicate with the higher gods, and to put to them questions of profound importance.  Some scholars maintain that this was the underlying reason why the ancients built the mysterious stone circles which are still scattered through parts of Northern Europe!

So as close as you can to the times listed below make like your own priest/ess and communicate with your ‘higher gods’ with your own questions and write down the info you receive. It could just be life changing!!!

Lunar Eclipse Weds Jan 31st or Feb 1st depending on your time zone…

Well, it’s a marvelous night for a moondance  With the stars up above in your eyes… Van Morrison

Yes it’s time to bathe in the wondrous magnetisms of this yummy Full Moon Eclipse on Weds night as rarely has a couple of hours been more auspicious!! Take time to create a sacred space & visualize & ‘dream up’ the creative freedom you desire as an individual who dares to shine!

It is a SUPER Moon as she is closer to us than usual so appears 14 % brighter BUT despite the hooha being publisized she is not a Blue Moon as this is when there are 2 Full Moons in the SAME sign. We will see a red shadow during the eclipse hence the added description of this being a BLOOD Moon.

FULL MOON ECLIPSE @11 Aquarius/LEO LA Wed Jan 31st – 5.27AM  NY Jan 31st 8.27am UK Jan 31st 1.27pm  OZ Thurs Feb 1st  0.27am We are SO LUCKY here in Oz as we get to see it, but no matter where you are take time to do your little ceremony & invite your future!

As we are in Aquarian time during Feb we are meant to invite the innovative  ideas & solutions we’re going to need to activate our lives in 2018…so we can initialize our activities when Sun enters Aries…and in between gestate and nurture these ideas in Pisces time…got it?

OK let’s unpack this…as they say these days. So right now our focus needs to be on this Aquarian ideas thing as we also say yes to change even if it makes us a little uncomfortable. For many this change urge is massive hence the chaotic unpredictable features ‘out there’, so yes we all need to re-invent ourselves over the next year and take some risks to do this. And we have great support from Saturn in Capricorn to stay steady & practical as we do this. Here we see the great synchronization with the Chinese Year of the Earth Dog.

Remember that woven into our current social fabric is fear and uncertainty! Indeed this is the essence of the old 3D Reality program, and right now these carefully orchestrated events are amplifying this to peak expression!! I see this as a time bringing things to a crescendo – like an ultimate opportunity to really get this  limiting old ‘control tape’. So what happens if we’re not frightened? Liberation. This is the true essence of Aquarius my friends, where we are free to tap into unlimited Mind and become a conduit for fab and rad new solutions that will fuel the true renaissance unfolding in these chaotic times.

Aquarius offers us the highest point of the humanitarian, collective, we are all one, principle.  So it’s not surprising that the immigration/refugee issues are front and center, albeit still being woefully misunderstood, or responsibility taken for why we live in a bounteous world where so many have so little, and suffer from the actions of war makers.

Aquarius rules politics and global systems and we expect a lot of our politicians. They are meant to have ready answers to the very problems they have created. I’ve been very open over the years in sharing the belief that there is a rather nefarious global elite group who set policy behind the scenes and then use political and media and banking systems toward an end goal of ‘global domination’.  So right now I encourage you all to keep a very open mind and objective position as we watch this latest installment of the chess game.

So how do we use this personally I hear you ask? OK so eclipses are portals that energetically align SUN MOON EARTH to upgrade the Matrix to create new levels of consciousness. This one is cool as it stimulates our urge for change and innovation…Aquarius. It also offers direct stimulation to get thoughts & ideas moving but at the same time it’s wise to wait for a few weeks after the eclipse to actually take action. Ideally we open new activity after the Sun moves into Aries on March 21st – this is launch date or our new natural year.

Lunar eclipses are very emotionally reactive at the best of times but never more so than when in Aqua/Leo! Yep it’s cool to avoid direct confrontation and drama kings & queens over coming weeks, and don’t be one yourself even if you are really angry about current events. Instead we can use these forces to give yourself permission to open new directions and invite wonderful partners to join us as Jupiter in Scorpio is the main active planet in these eclipses.. Expect the unexpected! If you have planets in fixed signs…Taurus/Leo/Scorpio/ Aquarius your life is about to open a new era….and it’s very exciting. Moon in Leo can bring new levels of acknowledgement and Sun in Aqua allows us to affect society for positive conscious change!

This is part of the same cycle as the Solar Eclipse on the way on Feb 16th…so she heralds the collective (Aquarius) creative (Leo) doorway for the next 6 months.  Full Moons and especially Eclipsed ones, are highly charged emotionally so personal & global reactions may be pretty full on as February unfolds. Rejection & alienation are downside Aquarian themes so we need to stay VERY OBJECTIVE if someone says they don’t want to play with us because we are weird or different! Who cares?! The point is we have to get on with being original thinking innovators who dare to be ‘change agents’ regardless of whether the status quo gets us or not…lol

Solar Eclipse Feb 16 & New Year of the DogSO let’s get to this Solar eclipse on February 16th @ 26 deg Aquarius. It is very unusual for an eclipse to coincide so exactly with the Chinese New year!  I’m excited by this one as it is on my birthday! So I am looking forward to this next 6 months opening a fresh creative phase in my world, and I send this good wish to you all! New Moons are the time to set your intensions & we have already covered the Aquarian themes so you know what to do!

The other thing we Astrologers look for are horoscopes of countries & institutions with the Eclipse degrees highlighted. In this case…yes you guessed it good old Donald yet again… right on his Mars in Leo & Ascendant. We can assume there will be more high drama as he goes about the business of disrupting just about everything. I encourage you to be objective about this strange man and simply see him as a ‘disruptor archetype’ as America heads toward their next revolution. Right now he is riding high on the growth of the US economy & stock markets & will be interesting to see what he has to say in his state of the union address on the Lunar Eclipse. No matter which way you dice it the rich are getting richer at the expensive of a living wage for workers…and it’s not OK!

And another big connection is the Solar Eclipse is EXACT to the Moon in the horoscope of the USA @ 27 degrees Aquarius, which signifies the original Soul intention of the formation of this country for the free rights of the individual. So we also won’t be surprised when the needs of the people (Moon in Aquarius) are powerfully expressed over coming months. One thing is for sure! We all need to send our Leo hearts & Aquarian minds to empower PEACEFUL co-operative actions and solutions as we also jump on the next wave of evolutionary change! Always remember we are not victims!! We are infinitely powerful when we know that nothing can limit and control our creative individual expression. except ourselves.

Things will settle somewhat once the Sun enters Pisces on Feb 19th and we slide into the quiet zone of our natural year, where we must nurture and gestate the ideas springing forth until then! Sending love & inspiration to you all & here’s the link to my 2018 Global Report & Horoscopes if you missed it. Maggie

Maggie’s 2018 Global Report & Horoscopes

Global Revamp on the Way!

2018 report imageThanks for checking out my ‘2018 Global Report & Horoscopes’. This year is a bumper edition as there is so much info to share about the many planets set to conspire for a major turning of the cosmic clock!

So we absolutely need to know what’s on the way to prepare ourselves both personally and collectively!

The cost is only US$12 as I want to get this material ‘out there’ to as many folks as possible. I also appreciate your purchase as an unofficial ‘crowd fund’ to support my time off in February to go and get my new hip! Yes I am about to become “titanium Maggie”!

There’s lots to enjoy and inspire you for your holiday reading!

Click on Buy Now below and get your report…OR scroll down for more info about what’s in it!

buy-now-button-300x293When you have placed your order using paypal or your credit card scroll down and click on RETURN TO MERCHANT & you will be taken to the Thank You page with your download link to the eBook. Don’t forget to save your copy to your PC and you will also receive an email with a link to the report.


Here’s What You Receive:

  • A total of 150 pages of powerful & insightful information
  • In-depth reading for each Sign including Maggie’s unique psychological healing tools
  • Extensive overview of the impact & implications of these 2018 ‘global re-set’ forces including – Major Geo-Political Shifts – The Global Economy- Technology innovations – Our Personal Energy Systems
  • Long term overview between 2018 and 2024
  • All the data for 2018 Eclipses and Mercury Retrograde timings
  • 2018 Year of the Earth Dog insights
  • List of New & Full Moons for 2018 for your diary
  • In-depth coverage of Jupiter in Scorpio – Saturn in Capricorn – Uranus in Taurus & Mars in Aquarius

Click on the Buy Now button to purchase you copy of the report now!!


Remember to scroll down after you place your order and click on RETURN TO MERCHANT

Dec 2017 Astro Update – Mercury Retro joins Saturn!

Mercury Retro

Greetings friends as we wave goodbye to 2017 and get set for some big shifts in 2018! And our tumultuous 2017 isn’t going out with a whimper,as time God Saturn completes his epic run through Sagittarius is joined by messenger Mercury on The Galactic Center…sounds big and it is!.

Yes it’s Mercury retro time from Dec 3rd till 24th and I’ve got some great tips for this in the main section… …along with a quick overview this month as I’m knee deep in writing my 2018 Report & Horoscopes and oh boy have I got some fascinating research to share with you on January 1st!

  • Jupiter tine Neptune 11 deg – 1st week
  • Saturn joins Galactic Center @ 27 deg Sagittarius – 1st week
  • Sagittarius Full Moon 4th @ 12 deg Sag/Gemini
  • Mercury Retrograde 4th
  • Sagittarius New Moon 18th @ 26 deg joins Saturn!
  • Sun into Capricorn 21st
  • Saturn enters Capricorn 21st also!

2018 Session Gift Certificates  I will mail or post this to you – scroll to the end of this letter for a pic! With such a game changing 2018 on the way it’s a cool way to support your friends and family.

Use the yummy connection of Jupiter with Neptune for the first week of December as an inner cushion of calm faith and trust in the midst of some other pretty intense energies folks, as Saturn and Mercury are in serious thinking and messages mode, so don’t buy into gloomy thoughts and seeing ‘through a glass darkly’ ok?

Yes the world is very tense right now as war drums are beating and people are bewildered by economic and political uncertainty, so that’s why it’s up to us to stay in positive ‘thought forms’ and knowing that we have the power to create our own reality no matter what’s going on ‘out there’!

So let’s talk Mercury Retrograde from the 4th until 24th as this is by far the most significant retro period he’s done in many a year…or for many to come. As he joins both Saturn AND the Galactic Centre we have a remarkable opportunity to align our MIND with inspiration for fresh purpose into the future.

The GC is the Centre of our Galaxy – the black hole located @ 27 degrees of Sagittarius that emanates the magnetisms for our whole Galaxy & Solar System. The Mayans called the GC ‘Hunab Ku’. ‘Hunab’ means ‘one state of being’ and ‘Ku’ means ‘God’ so the direct translation would be One State of Being God. When our planets align with the GC historically we are activated with new levels of KNOWLEDGE that progress our species. It’s so interesting that it’s position in Sagittarius underpins the whole nature of our human nature…the belief systems that drive our evolutionary growth!

This is a significant point in Saturn’s cycle as the last time he was here was 1988…the prelude to the massive events of 1989 – fall of Berlin Wall & the arrival of Russia & China into the globalization systems. So are we also currently poised for some really big global re-arrangements from next year when Uranus enters Taurus & Saturn enters Capricorn? You bet and you’ll be reading all about it in my 2018 Report.

On a practical level this Mercury/Saturn combo in incredibly useful for some deep introspection and getting to the bottom of your old limiting thoughts and beliefs so you can liberate them! Great also for intellectual precision that requires dealing with practical plans, details and projects as you also stay aware of being too rigid and en-bending in your views…or opinions of others.

This isn’t an easy light weight chatty time and we may be a bit defensive or believe that others are being critical of us, and sure not a time to pick a fight! Anyway you get the idea – no negative thinking or words and don’t buy into other peoples. And if folks are taking it all a bit too seriously get out your joke book! And the usual cautions apply with Mercury retro as not the best time to sign contracts & purchase tech stuff and stay flexible with travel and connection plans.

Sagittarius Full Moon 4th @ 12 deg Sag/Gemini – on the same day as Mercury retro! Full Moons heighten emotional reactions so needless to say it’s a great idea to keep your mouth closed before you say something you may regret over these few days. On the upside a great moment to share knowledge or info with your networks. Sagittarius offers us one of life’s greatest lessons as the wisdom to give up EXTREME positions by practicing moderation, tolerance and objectivity even when this is in short supply. Indeed it may be on this Full Moon, and with the added Neptune ingredient here, info is confusing or down right lies. We must stay positive, optimistic & wise over the coming month as we keep believing in our dreams and the power of the new consciousness beyond conflict & separation!!

Sagittarius New Moon 18th @ 26 deg joins Saturn! – all that stuff I wrote above about Saturn & Galactic Centre is ignited on this NMoon. We can expect big news/messages/conversations through the media and social networks and some eureka moments in our own insights and vision as inventive Uranus is in fab aspect to the NMoon.

Sun into Capricorn 21st as Saturn also enters Capricorn – The 2017 December 21st Solstice happens each year when our Sun enters Capricorn marking the 3/4 point in his seasonal round…mid-winter for northern hemisphere and mid-summer for those of us down south of the equator.

So is it a big deal that the planet that rules Capricorn… Saturn ‘lord of order & form’, joins the Sun as he also now heads into his own sign for the next 3 years? Yes indeed as this is a once in 29 year cycle that sets the stage for the next great wave of global re-structuring, with echoes back to 1989/92, 1959/62 & 1929/32.

So get set for a host of new memes and daily phrases that contain the words accountability, responsibility, transparency, regulation, watchdog, re-form, legislation, ethical standards… All the words and actions that come into play when Saturn steps onto center stage, as he is now in Capricorn (the sign he rules!) for the first time in 29 years between 2018 to 2021.

Personally, we’re also set to reap rewards for that we have sewn as the Lord of Karma comes calling, and much can be achieved under his auspices if we’re up for some concerted effort toward our goals. Yes doesn’t sound like heaps of fun and indeed Saturn is not a cheery guy BUT he’s super productive and has his own wry sense of humour as he goes about the business of getting results.

A planet in his own sign is ‘dignified’ thus at its most potent force, so as Saturn steps into Capricorn he’s at his earthy practical best on the one hand, and on the other can bring us the harshest measure of his restrictive controlling influence! This is a little excerpt from my 2018 Report which is loaded with fascinating and important info about the implications…and how to use…the global game changing times on the way from Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus also changing into Taurus AND Chiron entering Aries.

Be sure to open my next letter on Jan 1st. I send my warmest wishes and love to you all for a beautiful festive season and make sure to invite people to your table who may not have the good fortune that you do. Stay inspired – stay in your heart – stay positive – and remember that we’re all in this together. Maggie


Nov 2017 Brings Us Generous Planets in Scorpio


Greetings friends as we now venture through November with Scorpio action front & center! We have some yummy alignments this month & I trust you’re already feeling the positive vibes after way too long!

And yes as I mentioned in my Jupiter in Scorpio article “With a bit of luck good old Jupiter will have a fine time digging up all manner of secrets and lies” and so it is coming to pass as the Sun joined the big guy in late October, with plenty more on the way over coming weeks. Yes karma has a funny way of coming to bight those who have things to hide, but can bring wonderful gifts to those who’ve been in integrity!!

Get your diary and note these dates!!

  • Taurus Full Supermoon on 4th @ 11 degrees Scorpio/Taurus – magickal
  • Mercury into Sagittarius on 6th – positive thoughts & words
  • Saturn trine Uranus 6th to 13th  – stable change
  • Venus joins Jupiter on 13th – lucky & positive
  • Venus sextile Pluto on 21st – fab for $
  • Venus trine Neptune 17th – inspiration
  • Scorpio New Moon on 18th @ 25 degrees Scorpio – empowering
  • Mars square Pluto 19th – release
  • Sun enters Sagittarius 23rd  – goodie!
  • Jupiter trine Neptune late Nov – unfoldment!
  • Saturn joins Galactic Center @ 27 deg Sagittarius

The Magic of Scorpio is completely amplified under November’s alignments with a very yummy Full Moon on the 4th lighting up a splendid Venus/Jupiter alignment on the 13th! Together these bountiful forces bring a surge of optimism and the desire to enhance all things beautiful in our lives.

Taurus Moon highlights our values & prosperity consciousness so good for fresh ideas re $ and investments, and generally a very earthy time to stabilize your energies after recent stressful times! Spend some time in the garden or walking in the bush or cruising an art gallery.

Then on the 13th please join me just before dawn to witness a celestial light show as the 2 brightest most benefic planets Venus & Jupiter join forces to illuminate the dawn with a fresh era in our lives. It’s a powerful thing to bask under the rays of these ‘stars’ & their effect is felt for many days!! Paint a picture or get some new cushions or pamper yourself with good food & company…there’s intense sensual goodies here too!!

Using our power with Scorpio… Scorpio is the power to seed the life we wish to create from deep within us. We’ve been studying to be ‘metaphysicians’ for a while now folks, so we’re meant to have ‘got it’ that our energy creates & magnetizes our outcomes…right? Once we know that it is only our Ego/Mind keeping us in our fears and confusions, and that our Soul knows the way we open the magical flow known as the ‘stream of consciousness’ and step into our flow. Fabulous!!

Butterfly from Heidi

Scorpio is the invisible source essence in our nature containing generative power, and the secret lies in knowing that we are ‘magnetic’. SO what do we want/need to magnetize becomes the question! We can then feed the stream by setting our intention for what kind of butterfly we want to be once we hatch from our cocoon…in late November.

Jupiter is enhancing these forces now…this is a once in 12 year opportunity my friends so we’re talking major league energetic creative power! And to get to our safe power we can also use the Scorpio process to just let go…of old shitty feelings and whatevers…of the belief that we have to control…old defenses we use to protect our true feelings…the belief that softness and vulnerability isn’t safe! Yep it’s re-birth time!

I’ve been feeling a real sense of purposeful unfoldment and flow over the past few days and I’m loving the incoming connection between Sun/Jupiter with Neptune in Pisces. Mind you I still have to my manage the daily inner dialogue with my other ‘voices’ who keep doing their thing with bits of old insecurities and rejection tapes and all that!! Yes I practice what I preach with my work supporting people to ‘manage’ their daily stuff!

But right now my ‘positive voices’ are in good form even though I don’t have large scale plans in place for 2018 or a major goal. I just know that I’ll keep attracting the people and opportunities my Soul needs to keep my life in purpose and prosperity. It’s taken a lot of therapy and surrender to Soul to get here so please join me in this wonderful spirit of safe creative growth and opportunities on offer this month!

Here’s an extract from my Jupiter in Scorpio article of great relevance… Jupiter makes very few major aspects with other planets over the next year, so his positive trine connection with Neptune in Pisces is very important me thinks! Neptune as God of the Seas rules over the sign of Pisces where he has been travelling since 2012 through to 2026, heightening the spiritualizing process at work in our Zeitgeist over these years, as we struggle toward a more enlightened world view beyond the greed and insecurities that run our material world.

Jupiter trine Neptune offers a sublime mystical and spiritual alignment to open our quest toward higher and more idealistic expression of the best of our human nature. After the intense events of recent times we may feel overwhelmed by the negativity and lack of inspiration and optimism, so please use this excellent opportunity to chillax a little and go within to seek fresh inspiration and re-engage your imaginations and ideals.

You see we are in a hiatus period in the 12 fold process, containing the seeds of re-birth just around the corner from late 2018 when Jupiter re-emerges from the underworld and strides into Sagittarius. Then we can jump on our trusty horse and head forward into our Heroic journey freshly empowered after releasing all our old unwanted emotional baggage!! This doesn’t mean that we do nothing until then…just that our doing is about learning how to be a being!!

This highly idealistic combo of Jupiter with Neptune may prompt us to study spiritual and hidden matters, find our inner poet and artist and muse, heighten our intuition and compassion and to enjoy our erotic and sensual pleasure nature.  As Scorpio and Pisces are both healing signs we will experience a fresh phase in the healing arts and sciences that synthesize the scientific and the metaphysical, as the reality that our psychological health has everything to do with our physical health, finally comes through into wider recognition during 2018.

We are in the realm of the Sacred Feminine mysteries in Scorpio where we have access to powers beyond our rational capacities. Here we learn that we are not just our psychical bodies and how to use the untapped power of the mind to heal it-self!  When we become metaphysicians we penetrate the mystery of energy systems to allow tapping into our own power to heal once we learn how to move energy! Fabulous stuff and your mission is to enroll in a Metaphysics or Shaman course or whatever takes your fancy in this territory. I may have just the thing for you! My ‘12System Toolkit’ covers all of this! 

Have a magic month with lots of hugs and warm times! Blessings to all Maggie

Upcoming Workshops & Trainings

Please join me for my Annual one day overview of the year ahead 2018   Saturday 3rd February 2018   …and we have SO MUCH to talk about my friends with a number of planets changing sign next year as we head into a very different set of energies & possibilities!

  • Jupiter diving into the waters of Scorpio – last time 2006
  • Saturn enters his own sign of Capricorn – first time since 1989
  • Chiron enters Aries – first time in 50 years!
  • Uranus enters Taurus – first time since 1934!

Yes we have a major shift from the dynamic fire and air energies of the past 7 years, as we transition to planets in water & earth combos – a very different signature reflecting major changes in the values that drive our culture. As ever this will be an opportunity for the gathering of our tribe to share mutual insights and lots of laughs as we prepare ourselves to make the most of the healing earthy energies on the way in 2018!

Put it in your new diary NOW and reply to this email OR contact me to book in.

120 Plateau Crescent, Carrara 4211 10am-4pm  

$80 Recordings available if you can’t join us in person

Book your 2018 Year Ahead Session

Jupiter into Scorpio for the next year! Time to love & embrace our Dragons!

Jupiter in ScorpioGreetings Friends!! Well the traveler returns after her amazing USA adventure where I met so many wonderful people! It was a very challenging time to be there in the midst of hurricanes & the horrendous Las Vegas shootings, and my heart is with my ‘Merican mates as you manage your feelings & support each other during such adversity…

Thank you to all who came to my events and sessions. I simply hope/trust that my ‘seed planting’ Aquarian ideas and insights were supportive for understanding the BIG process that is unfolding in our world right now. The final Jupiter/Uranus showdown sure brought upheaval to so many – Mexico Cuba Bangladesh Myanmar Somalia – here’s to geo & political tensions easing as we head into Jupiter in Scorpio & many othet shifts into 2018.

Apologies for missing my usual monthly update…but I’ve been a tad busy, and even though I still feel jetlagged big time I really wanted/needed to get my Jupiter in Scorpio & Horoscopes out to you. I’m excited about Jupiter in Scorpio as must admit I have a big investment in this sign of transformation & re-newal. Read on for a short extract…

Poor old Scorpio is definitely one of the most misunderstood of the 12 Zodiac signs, with many a bad rap for tail stinging & obsessive controlling behaviors. If only people really understood the wonderful features of this fixed water sign, where we meet the most intense and sensitive levels of our feeling nature with such a capacity for vulnerable intimate connection both within and outside of our selves.

And this is of course why Scorp types are so very secretive and protective of their true nature, after all it’s dangerous to let ‘them’ see these qualities in our hard nosed world, so I’l just protect myself with distance and control them…lol. And if I let them get close and they betray my trust then watch out!! Scorp is the second of the water signs, the first being Cancer where we meet the instinctive urge for emotional safety & security. So if we are  not ‘emotionally safe’ it’s a tall order to feel safe in our power in Scorpio. Hence the power & control themes that offer such a wide range of territory in our personal & global experience.

So as Jupiter plunges into the deep waters of Scorpio over the next year we have an amazing opportunity for healing & renewal by re-connecting with our feminine source energy that gives birth to inspiration & imagination.

Mother of DragonsI have always loved dragons so I really connected with the ‘Mother of Dragons’ in Game of Thrones, and as dragons are associated with the deepest contents of our unconscious I guess this has lots to do with why I’m so attracted to depth psychology and the processes of death & re-birth…

In the human psyche dragons symbolize a meeting ground in the imaginable world of the unlimited power and possibilities of the Creation Magic of which universes are born, together with the need to overcome, individually and collectively, the lower aspects of our nature while developing high moral character, integrity, honor, and nobility of motive.

Read on for in-depth insights into your ‘transformational process’ AND YOUR HOROSCOPES! Cheers and blessings to you all Maggie!

Check Out My New Membership Platform starting with my life changing ’12 System Program’! NOW AVAILABLE to download over 4 weeks.

Please join me for my Annual one day overview of the year ahead 2018

Saturday 3rd February 2018   …and we have SO MUCH to talk about my friends with a number of planets changing sign next year as we head into a very different set of energies & possibilities!

  • Jupiter diving into the waters of Scorpio – last time 2006
  • Saturn enters his own sign of Capricorn – first time since 1989
  • Chiron enters Aries – first time in 50 years!
  • Uranus enters Taurus – first time since 1934!

Yes we have a major shift from the dynamic fire and air energies of the past 7 years, as we transition to planets in water & earth combos – a very different signature reflecting major changes in the values that drive our culture. As ever this will be an opportunity for the gathering of our tribe to share mutual insights and lots of laughs as we prepare ourselves to make the most of the healing earthy energies on the way in 2018! Put it in your new diary NOW and reply to this email OR contact me to book in.

120 Plateau Crescent, Carrara 4211 10am-4pm   $80 Recordings available if you can’t join us in person

Book your 2018 Year Ahead Session

September 2017 Astro Report! Jupiter & Uranus Front & Centre…

Jupiter opposite Uranus

Greetings friends just a quickie this month as I’m days away from departure to the USA for my tour. If you’re stateside & haven’t booked yet please do!! Scroll to end for bookings… Well after these many months of  things feeling stalled as the strangeness swirls around us events are about to kick forward big time.

Yes the Aug 21st “The Great American Eclipse”  brought together this divided nation with cheers and expressions of awe for nature’s magic. But tragically it has also brought people together to rescue & support the victims of Hurricane Harvey.

Historically major tectonic & weather events often occur in regions that have recently been ‘eclipsed’.   As eclipses alter time/space and direct fresh waves of information into our collective intelligence here’s to the birth of a whole new level of cohesiveness & unity. Ironic isn’t it that disasters tend to do this! An amazing Astro correlation here as it was also Aug 26th 2005 that Katrina made landfall…so this is an exact 12 year Jupiter cycle, the last time he was in Libra.

Sun is now in Virgo until Sept 22nd, joining trickster Mercury who has been doing his retro thing here since mid-August & goes back into Leo. So we’re in super organizing, dealing with details mode, and also great for enhancing your health with good food & daily ‘stay calm’ messages to self!

Mercury turns direct @ 28 degrees Leo on Sept 5th, right on the degree of the Solar Eclipse. So the high octane forces are still in full swing for the first 10 days of Sept, hopefully in a good way! Trump will be under enormous pressure as this lingers on his Mars & Ascendant in Leo, and the North Korea situation may come to a head. So we need to join hearts & intentions to soothe these troubled times.

Venus enjoys her time in Leo until Sept 21st so make the most of her love of fun & glamming up to enjoy social connections.

New Moon in Virgo on Sept 20th @ 27 degrees, OK with Saturn  in challenging connection PLUS Jupiter & Uranus within days of their final opposition this will be a much feistier Virgo New Moon than usual. As Virgo rules ‘systems’ expect some big shifts & changes in the systems that run our world! Read on for details of the Jupiter/Uranus story!

The big news is the final opposition of Jupiter in Libra to Uranus in Aries from 27th to 30th September. We had first pass late Dec 16, then the retro pass early March so this will finally complete the process.

The classic reading here is the desire to break free of restricting conditions and people to liberate your life if you’ve been feeling constricted. There can be sudden beaks that bring an enormous feeling of relief & release the tensions that have been building up. I’m wondering if you’re thinking this may be a sudden Trump departure moment? Could be… Read on for some extra info from earlier posts.

Here’s a quick overview from my 2017 Report “Watch these dates for major changes (in some cases unexpected) to current global relationships and the rise of populist people’s ‘liberty movements’. Jupiter/Uranus combos bring us brave new explorer archetypes & large scale revolutionary activity, so these are great timings for expanding & initiating new territory in your world, or having a ‘freedom outbreak’!!  Innovation is the key”

And this from my Dec 2016 letter “Jupiter now steps into the fray of the Uranus/Pluto Zap Zone as he opposes Uranus from the 23rd Dec till the end of the year. This is the first of 3 passes of this major alignment and they remain in tight connection right through Jan Feb & March 2017 with a final pass in late September. This is the half way or full point in their 12 year cycle which began in 2011. This combo ups the urge for freedom and innovation big time and can bring sudden bolts of change either from you toward current people & situations OR at you from work situations & partners who have outlived their role in your life. The big caution here is to make sure you don’t throw out the baby with the bath water as you seek to revolutionize your life and create space for exciting new people and adventures to unfold in 2017.”

And this from my March 2017 letter “March opened with a bang as Mars joined Uranus to oppose Jupiter for the second time and the highly conflicted global story amped up another notch. Their first opposition was in late December 2016 & their final ‘hit’ will be in late September, after which we should see the tensions ease, albeit heaven only knows what’s in store between now and then! So yes things are uber intense right now & we are all managing lots of things & energies & difficult people et al. So PLEEZE hold your center with lots of positive messages to self & others remembering that we are also working to build new goodies in our lives that will be marvelous!!

In years to come you’ll be able to say you lived through the most exciting & dynamic phase of modern history! Yes the Depression & dictators of the 1930s, McCarthy & communism in the 1950s, Kennedy & King assassinations in the 1960s, Nixon & Watergate in the 1970s were watershed events in their eras. And yep ours will no doubt be remembered as the ‘Trump Year/s’! The trouble is that when you’re in the midst of the chaos it’s hard to keep the perspective that is only available after the events. This is why I’m always reminding any who will listen to stay OBJECTIVE and simply be aware that we are witnessing a grand battle between forces of which we everyday folks have little true understanding.

I gave a talk last week about the Astrology of 2017 and was asked “what’s going to happen with all this political stuff?”. My answer was “I don’t know!” All I really know is that In terms of the big picture timings of the unfolding cycles of conscious evolution, the battle is really between the unsustainable practices of the old 3D reality program and the birth of the new paradigm sustainable future.  And in this big picture “battle” it sure is the case that 2017 contains all the big ticket global issues “in extremis”… politics/economics/weather…yep Jupiter in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries aren’t mucking around as they amplify the extreme polarization in every level of human & Gaia affairs.

So when we apply psychological principles here we have fruitful territory for our personal growth & evolution. We must own our own inner stress between the part of us who wants to stay attached to the past versus the part of us that is willing to take responsibility for the need to innovate & change…and this can be risky!  Our current social revolution isn’t just about amazing new technologies and robots and faster & better internet speeds. It’s about a global awakening way beyond that!!

I recently had an fascinating chat with one of my yummy ‘daughters’ who informed me she believes that it won’t be long before people will ‘be over’ all this techno stuff, and just want to start writing & learning & interacting with others without all the complexity that makes people so anxious and overwhelmed and socially dysfunctional. Isn’t that interesting, as this 34 year old lady is realizing that life is so much richer without COMPLEXITY. Yes I know we can’t turn back the clock but maybe she has a point. SIMPLICITY! I’m reminded of the old T.S. Elliot quote that “we shall never cease from exploration until we return from whence we started and know it for the first time”.

Anyway that’s my little rave for this month! Stay in your heart my friends as you keep building your positive lives inspired by being part of our current social revolution toward a conscious world. Stay in gratitude…be kind to self & others…get excited…be aware that wonderful opportunities are right there for the seizing!!

Live long & prosper my friends and I’m so looking forward to meeting my American Tribe in September. Go back to top left of this letter for event dates & bookings!!

Cheers and blessings to you all Maggie!

Check Out My New Membership Platform starting with my life changing ’12 System Program’! NOW AVAILABLE to download over 4 weeks.

LOTS more info & insights re these major shifts in my 2017 Global Report & Horoscopes…

 maggie fb page header
I’m on my way to the fabulous USA in September, & very much looking forward to meeting my American ‘Soul Pod’! “The Astrology of the 2017 Revolution & Beyond – Changing Our World from the Inside Out”

Why is 2017 such a “game changer” and how do we work WITH these wildcard energies to innovate our lives and step into “conscious co-creation”? What do “the stars” have in store for us in 2018 and how do we align our energies to take advantage of the next wave of evolutionary possibilities?

Join Maggie as she shares her 35+ years’ experience tracking the big picture of human affairs PLUS her life changing healing tools, in a series of 2 hour small groups in Burank, CA – San Juan Capistrano, CA – Las Vegas, NV -New York City – Red Bank, NJ and Long Island, NY!

There will also be Q & A time so you can ‘pick Maggie’s brain’ PLUS bring your details: date, time and place of birth  in case you are chosen for a personal reading. (For more information on what the event covers go to my homepage Book your tickets now because these groups range from 40-75 people only! Tickets are $75 each and the event is 2 hours without an intermission.







When purchasing tickets please be sure to click on the link under the event you want to attend as it will bring you Paypal to purchase that ticket.


August 2017 Astro Report AND Maggie’s Sept USA Tour Details

maggie fb page headerGreetings friends! Lots to share re: August Eclipses after my exciting post about my USA September Tour details…I am more than a little excited to be joining me tribe over in a country I know and love.

I’m on my way to the fabulous US of A!! “The Astrology of the 2017 Revolution & Beyond – Changing Our World from the Inside Out”   Why is 2017 such a “game changer” and how do we work WITH these wildcard energies to innovate our lives and step into “conscious co-creation”? What do “the stars” have in store for us in 2018 and how do we align our energies to take advantage of the next wave of evolutionary possibilities?

Join Maggie as she shares her 35+ years’ experience tracking the big picture of human affairs PLUS her life changing healing tools, in a series of 2 hour small groups in Burank, CA – San Juan Capistrano, CA – Las Vegas, NV -New York City – Red Bank, NJ and Long Island, NY! There will also be Q & A time so you can ‘pick Maggie’s brain’ PLUS bring your details: date, time and place of birth  in case you are chosen for a personal reading. (For more information on what the event covers go to my homepage Book your tickets now because these groups range from 40-75 people only! Tickets are $75 each and the event is 2 hours without an intermission.






LONG ISLAND, NY Friday, September 22, 2017 CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS When purchasing tickets please be sure to click on the link under the event you want to attend as it will bring you Paypal to purchase that ticket.

Please share this info with your mates in the USA!!

Solar Eclipse Aug 21 2017 USA



“The Great American Eclipse”

Well folks the most interesting 2 months of 2017 is on the way & I’m excited. August brings us the 2nd Solar Eclipse of 2017, & it’s a BIGGIE, popularly christened ‘The Great American Eclipse’, as its  path crosses the  USA from West to East. So get set for some big shifts & major developments on lots of levels in the USA, Globally & personally.

Then in September we’re up for the final connection between Jupiter & Uranus…the underpinning frequency since Nov 2016 that has brought our crazy revolutionary process to a peak… All I can say is it’s fabulous & fascinating to watch the unfolding drama as we step between the old world & the new, over these tumultuous few years. It’s time to shed our old skins & embrace our lion heart and dare to shine people!!

The talk on the street is all over this Solar Eclipse, as Astrologers have been going nuts with this one! There are so many bold energies about to be unleashed, and as ever we can choose to go into this process with a glass half full…or half empty…attitude.

Yes the possible outcomes offer a pretty high degree of chaos & drama on the global stage to move things forward BUT can also open doors for startling breakthroughs, & expanding horizons that may include travel & adventures…physically and mentally! FABO

With Sun + Mars in Leo until August 22nd we are in the 5th stage of our natural year free to expand our creative process! Leo is the big fire sign that ignites our passions, is generous & proud & dares to shine & lead others by motivating them to dare to shine! The spiritual process of Leo brings us the ‘purifying fires’ for our lower ego to take us from the ‘selfish desires & will’ to the HIGHER EGO of selflessness & the desire to illuminate & bring light & love to the world around us.

In Leo we meet the innocence and joy of our ‘Free Inner Child’ at 5 years old, full of the excitement of life and the courage & inquisitiveness to try new things & be delighted with so many possibilities. If kids are given healthy recognition and approval they will always carry this spirit, so your process now to connect with this and let your spirit soar!! Your mantra is “I am brave and free to be who I really am”!!

The first 9 days of August may be a tad challenging but after this it’s all systems go for full Leo awesomeness ok? The tricky stuff comes from the final Jupiter square Pluto (first pass Nov 2016…yes Trump arrives…2nd pass late March) PLUS the Lunar Eclipse on the 7th (more on this below). So the Jupiter Pluto combo amps up ambitions & we can achieve heaps BUT we can also provoke conflict & easily offend others (sometimes quite innocently) in our quest to make things happen. Thus take any struggles in your stride, apologize if you need to, and smile as you deal with admin details…got it?

As Mars travels with the Sun in Leo this month we have high octane action stations to ignite fresh fire & passion! Be proactive & focus all your energy on the next phase of your creative growth to make the most of this game changing August & September.

Never has it been more important to keep a level head and not buy into drama and separation than over this next 2 months. To help us do this we have Messenger planet Mercury in practical Virgo to keep mind & mouth focused, practical and steady…thank goodness. Yes and it also spends extra time in Virgo due to his retrograde phase between August 12th & Sept 6th.

Tricky Mercury is famous for techno glitches & re-routing plans when he’s retro BUT this time he can be very helpful inclining us to THINK before we ACT and deal with the details. Back up computers & all that stuff & try to have travel/publishing plans in place before the 12th…& generally stay fluid & adaptable. Just a reminder that Virgo is the sign of SERVICE so our self-reflection is to ask “How can I serve”. This is the highest purpose for our Soul.

Venus in Cancer brings us another very supportive energy in August as she keeps us in touch with our true feelings so we can use these to help us navigate the turbulent fiery Eclipses! The planet of love & attraction is so happy in Cancer as she basks in the love of her families & tribes…as this is what she truly values.

We’ve just had a pretty intense Cancer time with Sun & Mars doing their thing with Pluto…all a bit deep and ‘Dark night of the Soul’  for many (and me!), as we’ve confronted our deepest fears & insecurities so we may HEAL our core safety stuff.

I mean this is the whole point of this year so far, as we’ve had to witness & feel  our confusion & uncertainty about whether we really can do the ‘Phoenix Rising From the Ashes’ thing as the world around us is in meltdown… Yes we are in a collective healing crisis so we must heal our own safety issues to make our selves and our world a safer place. (I’m going to be talking this one up on my Sept USA Trip!)

So on with the show as they say and there’s nothing like some eclipses in Leo to bring us a brand new opening night! First we have our Lunar Eclipse on August 7th with Sun @ 15 degrees Leo opposite Moon in Aquarius. This is part of the same cycle as the Solar Eclipse on the way on August 21st…so she heralds the collective (Aquarius) creative (Leo) doorway for the next 6 months.

As Eclipses are PORTALs that ignite new 19 year phases within larger cycles, I’m hearing descriptions like “LION GATE Activation” calling this a major cosmic trigger in the larger evolutionary cycles of our times! Love it…bring it on…as goodness knows we can’t continue on this bizarre trajectory  too much longer…or maybe we can who knows? One thing’s for sure things are about to come to a head.

Personally we can use this Lunar Eclipse to release our Leo creativity into Aquarian group & team projects, & with energizer Mars joining the Sun in Leo we’re compelled to activate something! We also have Jupiter in Libra in fab connection doing his expanding purpose dare to grow thing. So something is ready to come out from behind our fears and simply wants/needs to take action and make things grow and happen.

Full Moons and especially Eclipsed ones, are highly charged emotionally so personal & global reactions may be pretty full on as August unfolds. Rejection & alienation are downside Aquarian themes so we need to stay VERY OBJECTIVE if someone says they don’t want to play with us because we are weird or different! Who cares?! The point is we have to get on with being original thinking innovators who dare to be ‘change agents’ regardless of whether the status quo gets us or not…lol

SO let’s get to this Solar eclipse on August 21st @ 28 degrees Leo. This is ‘trending’ big time even in mainstream media such as this Newsweek article – worth a look as video explains eclipses + opinions from several Astrologers about the Trump situation…would you believe!

It’s very exciting for folks in the USA as it is rare to witness the ‘light of the Sun being eclipsed by the Moon” & no doubt the USA will all but grind to a halt while everyone stops to observe this awesome natural phenomena. Ancient people were in awe of this as indeed they experienced significant events within days/weeks of the ‘light going out’. We have masses of historical data to support the premise that they signify major phases of life ending and new ones beginning.

Yes it will be a game changer on a global level and also for you personally if you are a Leo or Aquarius or Taurus or Scorpio with birthdays mid month to 20th of your sign. If so look back to 1998/9 and 1979/80 for signals of big shifts…and another one over the next few months.

It is highly charged from an exact connection with maverick Uranus in Aries…@ 28 degrees…plus Saturn in Sagittarius.  Eclipses repeat every 19 years in the same cycle & historically this series brings us major goodies such as the1999 impeachment of President Bill Clinton, 1981 attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan, 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy, 1945 atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki & death of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt -1927 attempted assassination of President William Taft.

So it’s no surprise that Astrologers are on high alert as this eclipse may also bring violence or sudden change to leadership positions. Especially as this time we have the Uranus & Saturn connections AND the path crossing the USA AND lighting up Donald Trump’s Horoscope.

The 28 Degree Leo Eclipse falls on Trump’s Mars & Ascendant in Leo. (Born 14th June 1946 @ 10.54am Queens NY) thus igniting his warrior spirit for better or worse! This re-opens the whole discussion of who is this guy and what is his true role in this extraordinary year. Is he a champion of the revolution to upset the existing status quo and de-stabilize the current system?

Or is he just a narcissistic dude playing out his delusions of power & grandeur? I mean you couldn’t write a script for reality TV better than this! (I’m sure they are working on it!…lol). Sadly his words & actions thus far do not incline me to view him as The Hero…more like The Fool. But we can hope for miracles and I’d love to be wrong on this one. Be a conscious Hero please dude!!

The concern here arises from the fact that Trump’s Sun + Uranus in Gemini are conjunct the USA Mars in Gemini, which goes a long way to explaining why he has been such a polarizing figure since he took office, inciting extreme positions & reactions. It’s like the planetary evolutionary forces called in Trump to embody the archetype of disruptive change! But this is also a ‘war signature’ so whether it plays out as Trump going to battle with the system or a much risker scenario involving military moves remains to be seen.

The massive 2017 scenario is all about dissent and polarization…“funny about that” say Jupiter & Uranus…”yes that’s what we had in mind. Let’s finally wake people up to the BIG Game.” Until a much greater number of people WAKE UP to the hideous system that is running our world it can never change. Both parties are invested in the globalization agenda and we desperately need a champion to bust the stranglehold of the military industrial complex that continues to tell us we must have wars, & consume things we do not need in an endless cycle of greed..

The other thing we Astrologers look for are horoscopes of countries & institutions with the Eclipse degrees highlighted. In this case North Korea with Saturn @ 28 Leo – Israel with Mars @ 28 Leo plus Israeli PM Netanyahu also with Mars @ 28 Leo – Palestine also with Mars @ 28 Leo ( no surprise the 2 countries have been at war endlessly) – Iraq with Sun @ 29 Leo – Vatican City with Saturn @ 28 Sag – Venezuela with Saturn @ 26 Leo. So there’s plenty of action on the way & I’m interested to see how the Vatican situation will unfold with senior Cardinal George Pell currently facing charges in Australia for historical sexual misconduct.

And another big connection is to the Moon in the horoscope of the USA @ 27 degrees Aquarius, which signifies the original Soul intention of the formation of this country for the free rights of the individual. So we also won’t be surprised when the needs of the people (Moon in Aquarius) are powerfully expressed over coming months.

The Eclipse is also conjunct the Royal Star Regulus @ 29 Leo highlighting Royalty in general. Once again no surprise that Trump likes gold & has aspired for the King job. He’s sure in for an interesting ride over coming months & the question remains, will he fall off his throne or suddenly become the voice of peace and reconciliation as global hot spots get very hot in the near future.

One thing is for sure! We all need to send our Leo hearts & Aquarian minds to empower PEACEFUL co-operative actions and solutions as we also jump on the next wave of evolutionary change! Always remember we are not victims!! We are infinitely powerful when we know that nothing can limit and control our creative individual expression. except ourselves.

Live long & prosper my friends and I’m so looking forward to meeting my American Tribe in September. Go back to top left of this letter for event dates & bookings!!
Cheers and blessings to you all Maggie!

Check Out My New Membership Platform starting with my life changing ’12 System Program’! NOW AVAILABLE to download over 4 weeks.

LOTS more info & insights re these major shifts in my 2017 Global Report & Horoscopes…


July 2017 Astro Update – Big Full Moon July 9th!

Full Moon Cancer

Well folks there’s some pretty intense energy flying around as we head toward the power packed Full Moon in Cancer next Sunday July 9th! Yes if we can keep our cool over the next few weeks it will be Leo time…hoorah…and we can get on with being fabulous again after doing our little personal death/rebirth thing!

Yep it’s easy to feel a bit beaten down with all the doom & gloom out there so our job is to NOT BUY INTO IT! Yes we are in times of radical shifts & as it’s Cancer time our core safety issues are right up! Please join me for a few insights into the ongoing drama of this tumultuous year…and how to use these extraordinary energies to let go of the past and say yes…GULP…to the unknown future!

You are welcome to book a personal session & please click like on Universal Astro FB page for updates between these letters!
Well early July has already brought us some major power themes, as the star players of 2017 are in one of their peak periods of their challenging stand off scenarios… Yes Mars in Cancer is triggering the Zietgeist revolution zone until July 21st, so the themes of power & control are writ large personally & globally. 

Ah and let’s not forget Happy Birthday America! I send my love to all my friends in my much loved US of A. I’ve lived there & some of my besties live there. My prayer is that the essential essence of what made America the first great experiment in freedom at the last revolution, will be re-born over these coming years, as you pass through the drama of the dissolution of the current power systems and await your next re-birth in the 2020s when Pluto returns to where he started in 1776.

OK so on with the show! This Full Moon @ 17 degrees is totally powerful with Sun in Cancer with Mars OPPOSITE Moon in Capricorn…with Pluto!!  Then we add the fact that they are all forming challenging connections with Uranus in Aries OPPOSITE Jupiter in Libra and we have the whole box and dice for the power themes of this year.

So is it any wonder that the G20 meeting is happening over this period? Ah Trump will get to hang out with Putin and who knows what’s on the way? I mean really…just get that anything can happen this year – we are beyond the norm people. I have included an excerpt from a clever article below re this G20 game…scroll to end it’s funny and insightful…

In my Jupiter in Libra Article I clearly showed the history of BIG international deals/negotiations happening on this cycle. Here’s the previous cycles 1933/4 1945/6 1957/8 1969/70 1980/81 1992/3 2004/5. In 1933/4 Hitler became Chancellor of Germany & the rest as they say is history. 1945/6 saw the creation of the “Iron Curtain” USSR Eastern Bloc, as they were carving up Europe & the Middle East & China’s civil war between the Communists & Republicans paved the way for Mao. In 1957 The Civil Rights Act was introduced  kick-starting the political movement, plus the EU was formed. So if we can get past the hype and fake news (good luck with that) rest assured there’s some pretty major deal brokering happening @ this Full Moon, as China & Russia are buddying up for massive $ infrastructure deals and the supposed democratic western system is in chaos!

Fascinating stuff my friends and as ever I suggest we just stay in ‘objectivity’ as we witness our geo-political & economic systems starting to morph into a whole new phase. Personally we may be navigating some tricky territory in terms of feeling effective!  Mars/Pluto combinations are renowned for anger/control/resistance/ruthlessness & when we add Mars to the Sun in Cancer then watch out kids as emotional reactions will be pretty full on as we head into next week. Suggestion! Duck for cover and if you do need to defend or act on behalf of home or family pick your battles.

OMG we need some positives here don’t we? And yes we have peace-maker Venus now enjoying her time in Gemini until July 31st PLUS Mercury (ruler of Gemini) in passionate Leo. These two are the magic ingredients to activate & motivate our minds & ideas into fresh possibilities, as we are breaking free of old limiting beliefs that we can’t be successful & powerful!  

So if you’re feeling frustrated & blocked just do lots of deep breathing and repeat after me “It’s safe for me to release the past & say I can have it all”! And ask yourself: “How do I change my way of thinking to break down the barriers?”, as you also make the best of some fun and social connections from Venus/Mercury over coming weeks. Stay LIGHT as much as possible…even if you have to talk yourself into it!

There’s also a yummy trine from Neptune in Pisces in the mix and we need to give this lots of power to trust Universal Flow and timing. It’s easy to succumb to survival/safety stuff right now, so remember the upside of the challenging Full Moon energies contains breakthroughs and great career developments if we’ve been good hard working kids OR you’ll know if it’s time to let go of a scenario & move on.

You’ll really feel a huge shift when Sun strides into Leo and is joined by Moon for our New Moon in Leo @ 0 degrees on Sunday July 23rd! Once again activator Mars is in on the show…and I do mean show as Leo is all about drama & performances! This sets the stage for the much heralded Solar Eclipse on August 21st – this will be the SECOND Leo New Moon and has all sorts of bells & whistles for dramatic leadership goodies. Much more about this big enchilada in my August letter!!

Mars with Sun in Leo is high octane action stations to ignite fresh fire & passion! Be proactive & focus all your energy on the next phase of your creative growth to make the most of this one in late July & August! Cheers and blessings to you all Maggie!

Check Out My New Membership Platform starting with my life changing ’12 System Program’! NOW AVAILABLE to download over 4 weeks.

LOTS more info & insights re these major shifts in my 2017 Global Report & Horoscopes…

I’ve had lots of requests to get back to basics for the next few Astro Workshops!

Sat 5th August Astro Day Planets in Houses & Signs

I totally love this core territory! It creates so much space for great personal interaction as you connect with your 12 ESSENTIAL VOICES! Then we add a few aspects between them and we’re off and away for the basics of Chart Delineation… And more space for some ASTRODRAMA as we meet our voices and see how they get on with each other! Lots of fun and creative outcomes when we meet in August. Please join us!! Mail me if you’d like to book in Venue is in Carrara on the Gold Coast $80 from 10am to 4.30pm All Welcome!!

Blog from Port Phillip Publishing – July 3rd 2017 – Dear Reader, Oh to have a miniature drone that can fly from Australia to northern Germany!  We’ll need it to have a good signal too, and speak a few languages.  Mission: gather intel on what’s said behind closed doors.

The G20 meeting is on this week. We need our drone on the wall, or inside the flowers somewhere. Putin and Trump are meeting up for the first time since the US Prez was elected. That should be spicy enough. Now we have the US rattling China by sending in a Navy destroyer into its neighbourhood .

Who knows what agendas are at work? Not me, but I’ll take a guess. Admittedly, I’ve not followed geopolitical stuff too closely lately. All that hoohah about Russia fiddling in the US election looks like BS to me. Somebody wants Russia to look like a threat.  Why the fuss then?

NATO surrounds Russia…

I’ve told you about economist Michael Hudson before. I believe his take on this before anyone else’s. He said back in April there wasn’t a shred of evidence that Russia was part of this. Hudson pins it all on propaganda from the war hawks keen to take on Russia.

At the very least, the military industrial complex needs an excuse to park all the weapons it produces (and bills to the US government) somewhere. Hudson said encircling Russia and China was the logical place. Check out this map from The Independent in the UK a few months back…

Source: The Independent

Apparently NATO now has the biggest military build-up in eastern Europe since the Cold War. Now imagine this with a Russian mindest — after being invaded multiple times last century.  The funny thing is Trump did seem for real when he tried to tone down the belligerant stance toward Russia when he came on the scene early on. He was a genuine wildcard ­— that’s why most of the Republican establishment didn’t like him, or want him to run.

Now I see in The Wall Street Journal that the US Parliament is about to vote into law a bill to stop Trump from easing any sanctions on Russia.  The paper reports…

The bill cleared the Senate last month by a 98-2 vote, a rare show of bipartisan unity in favor of legislation that would slap Russia with new sanctions partly because of the U.S. intelligence community’s assessment that Russia interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Yeah. Maybe. Here’s what we know about US intelligence services ­­­­— thanks to Edward Snowden. They interfere in anything and everything.  Here’s what we know about US intelligent services from history: they fabricate events and stories all the time for their own ends.  They’ll also destabilise any country, too.

Read this book now

All this is becomes incredibly clear and intriguing if you pick up a copy of George Friedman’s book The Next 100 Years: A Forecast for the 21st Century. He wrote it in 2009. It’s quite spooky to see how accurate he’s been since. I’m not sure I’ll get to see the rest of the 90 years play out, which is a bummer. However, Friedman had 2015-2020 pegged as the period when the United States would once again become ‘obsessed’ with Russia.

Friedman forecast both countries would manoeuvere around the world to weaken or discredit the other. Russia would be pushing its borders out everywhere to build out a strategic buffer. The US will intervene wherever it can to disrupt any alliances or powerful blocs forming. If Friedman’s right, and it looks like he will be, this US versus Russia dyanamic is going to get worse before it gets better. It may truly escalate into somehting like the Cold War 2.0.  In the book US power ultimately prevails. Friedman has Russia collapsing in 2020 as demographics and other factors work against it. Remember, this is based off a forecast he made eight years ago, but we’re watching it play out in real time. One of the tenets of the book is that the US is happy as long as every else is in chaos. That’s partly how it projects and holds global power. A bigger component is the US Navy and the USA’s total control of the world’s sea lanes. Where it goes from here in the short-term, I have no idea, but we can’t take it for granted that world peace will hold out.

LOTS more info & insights re these major shifts in my 2017 Global Report & Horoscopes…


Busy Gemini June Astro update…


June is going to be a busy month with Mercury zinging into Gemini to join the Sun on the 6th, followed by  the Full Moon in Gemini/Sag on the 9th.  So if you’re feeling wanderlust or restless & general need for fresh stimulus go for it!! Spontaneous trips & meetings with remarkable minds is just what we need right now, with a good dose of some fun thrown in as goodness knows we’ve had way too much serious stuff lately! Gemini keynote is DISTRIBUTION of ideas & knowledge so if you’ve got something to say or teach get it out there before June 21st ok? And remember to stay adaptable as the wind changes…frequently over coming weeks!!

You are welcome to book a personal session & please click like on Universal Astro FB page for updates between these letters!

have-faithOMG it’s all so Gemini on steroids right now isn’t it? Too much complex info & bad news demanding our attention so it’s essential to not buy into letting it all make us anxious, hence this pic! Stay positive my friends and use the best of the Gemini goodies for excellent multi-tasking & being open for brilliant ideas to take you ‘out of the box’!

Friday 9th’s Full Moon @ 18 deg Gemini/Sag heightens the extreme themes of 2017 as words & info & fake news will go nuts, & with Neptune in hard aspect be careful what you believe! Escapism, delusion & confusion are also Neptune features, & as I’m writing this it feels like maybe we all deserve to switch off the news/social media for these few days and do a little escapism!

So be very selective about incoming data & verify and check facts. There’s a cool upside here as Gemini aligns our rational left brain mind/mouth with our Neptune visionary right brain, so take time to consciously align your TWO brains. Just close your eyes and do a simple exercise – visualize a bright white light in your left brain and then the same in your right brain. Then connect these with a bright white line and breathe as you say ” I now trust my intuition to inspire my ideas and words”.

As we reach the mid-way point in this tumultuous year be aware that these extreme times will start to level off once we head into October. Yes folks 2017 is a game changer on so many levels as The Gods of Change are upsetting every conventional form we’ve had in place since the late 1980s! Remember ‘revolutions’ upset the status quo and bring mayhem & confusion, but when we’re on to this it’s much easier to remain ‘objective’ and not buy into our emotional overload from events and the many people around us who are having meltdowns.

The maverick see-saw features of this bizarre year contain the essence of Gemini actually…namely the TWINs representing our DUAL nature in a myriad of forms. We are all polarized and contain both light and dark – pleasure and pain- devil and angel – fear and trust. So sometimes a little meltdown is just fine as we need to allow the release valve holding the pressure of managing everything… to just let go. Sometimes a good cry and honoring our vulnerable shadow side is the best medicine! Once again all very Gemini.

And yes this Gem/Sag Full Moon is all over Mr Trump with his Sun/Uranus in Gemini opposite Moon in Sag. I mean you couldn’t make this astrology stuff up! He’s the archetypal maverick right?  Is he mad? Is he being manipulated by the global elite? Is he in some convoluted way actually calling them out? Is he an innocent fool driven by his own narcissism?  It’s a mystery!! So stay tuned for the next round of ‘Trumpeets’ issuing forth into mid June!!

Conscious evolution means we manage the see-saw features in our own nature as we also cope with the terribly sad and totally pointless pain happening in our world. My heart goes out to those who are affected by this ‘healing crisis’ of our time. Use this Gemini time to speak words of compassion & understanding to the many folks who are in “shell shock” and struggling to cope with these challenging times.

It reminds me that the big picture issue of Saturn in Sagittarius has brought us the extreme BELIEFS that are fueling the SEPARATION between east/west Christian/Muslim, and that our collective evolution demands that we UNITE and CO-OPERATE to take the next great step in human affairs!

So as we’re all in info overload I’ll just complete this little letter with a mention that:
Relating planet Venus steps into sensuous Taurus also on June 6th until July 5th. Go the pleasure and beauty principle people!! Make art and gardens – stimulate your senses with healing oils and massages and all things yummy – cook nourishing food – think and invite prosperity – make love not war!!

AND action planet Mars  stepped into the feeling based sign of Cancer on June 4th! This brings the home and family and emotional safety territory front and center. He’s in Cancer right through until July 21st so use this time to nurture all you hold dear and do some renovations to both physical and emotional homes. Just be careful of your ’emotional reactions’!! Great opportunity to notice your ‘defense systems’ when feeling unsafe or vulnerable. Ask for hugs and give them.

This is a pre-curser to Sun also entering Cancer on June 21st marking the 1/4 point in our natural year known as the Solstice. This is longest day for my northern hemisphere friends and shortest day down here in southern climes.  Thus late June into July is time to nurture and LOVE ourselves…and everyone really!!
Blessings & love to all Maggie

Upcoming Workshops & Trainings

Saturday 8th July The Solar Return or Annual Birthday Chart …is the return of the Sun to its own place marking the start of a new cycle to supply the horoscope with a fresh charge of energy. It provides an ‘overview’ of the themes in play for the year ahead, and yes there is also a cycle to our Solar Returns over 8 year periods! I will provide 8 Return Charts for you once you’ve booked and given me your birth details. Yet another fascinating area to support our conscious activity year by year. Mail me if you’d like to book in Venue is in Carrara on the Gold Coast $80 from 10am to 4.30pm All Welcome!!


Full Moon Taurus/Scorpio May 10th + Planets on the move at last!

Taurus Full MoonGreetings friends as we get set for some action at last after recent glacially slow moving times!

Yes Mercury plus Venus retro has been training in patience & preparation but great for holidays…lol

They are both direct now & picking up speed but it’s still wise & cool to wait until after May 21st for major launches & action.

Indeed late May brings exciting connections between Venus + Mars + Saturn  + Uranus! Outcome? Haha sorry you’ll have to scroll down…

And yes it’s Buddha’s birthday on this powerful transforming Full Moon…

Wednesday’s Full Moon @ 20 degrees Taurus/Scorpio brings us an interesting & ambiguous mix of influences, as deep & intense Scorp power themes collide with highly active mental & social goodies! Sounds like a fab night to hang out with stimulating friends & throw around progressive ideas, light a candle & write your ‘invocation’ for what you want to empower in your life from here. And while you’re at it say a prayer for healing & transformation for us all with a big focus on care for our natural world…

The exciting feature here is Mercury & Uranus together in Aries, a combo famous for radical words & ideas. They’ve been coming & going off this connection since late March so now we get the final impulse to be brave enough to act upon our urge for change & re-invention. Downside here can be feeling easily irritated so pick your battles & avoid power plays, as with Pluto holding court on proceedings it’s all about power & control. No doubt we’re also in for another barrage of impulsive words & actions from our esteemed leaders as they continue to distract us from the real issues that are fragmenting our society in so many ways! As Scorpio is all about ‘secrets’ & behind the scenes power systems, I’m also wondering if we’re in for some more whistleblowing with consequences the elite mob can no longer deny? Hope so!

On a positive note Saturn in Sag in positive connection offers supportive structures to underpin the big changes on the way, along with the ‘dissemination’ or spread of the new era innovations & technologies…and this means yours!  This also takes the ‘people power’ movement into greater expression internationally. 2017 is the YEAR OF AWAKENING my friends so jump on board any opportunity you have to speak the TRUTH so we can get past the propaganda & lies they continue to feed us. I’ll have more to say on this in my June Gemini letter.

As we are now in Taurus time which is all about values & wealth this doco is fascinating tracing the story of the rise of the ‘trickle-down economics’ from the Reagan/Thatcher years in the early 1980s to our current point of seriously iniquitous wealth/poverty. Current economists now get that this system DOES NOT work (except for the 1%) and has so badly eroded middle class wealth that capitalism is at risk of destroying itself. And then there’s this classic Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis | Full Documentary

OK now it’s time to talk about the sacred festival known as Wesak  or Vesak & informally called “Buddha’s Birthday” commemorating the birth, enlightenment (Buddhahood), and death of Gautama Buddha who is universally acclaimed as one of the greatest benefactors of Humanity.

As Taurus is all about the VALUES that underpin our actions I hope his ‘teachings’ may inspire your intention as you bask under the loving rays of this Full Moon – which BTW will be extra beautiful with Jupiter bright & clear.

Enlightenment, Ascension & all that stuff… Enlightenment in Buddhism is associated with the perfection of insight into the Four Noble Truths to bring about the cessation of suffering, stress & dissatisfaction. So here’s the formula my friends & off you go!!

The 1st  is translated as “Life is suffering“  or  “incapable of satisfying”

The 2nd teaches that the cause of suffering is craving. We search for something outside ourselves to make us happy. But no matter how successful we are, we never remain satisfied. We grab one thing after another seeking security about ourselves. We attach not only to physical things, but also to ideas and opinions about ourselves and the world around us. Then we grow frustrated when the world doesn’t behave the way we think it should and our lives don’t conform to our expectations.

The 3rd – Buddha taught that through diligent practice, we can put an end to craving. Ending the hamster-wheel chase after satisfaction is enlightenment (bodhi, “awakened”).

The 4th is the treatment plan – the Eight-fold Path.

Right View is also sometimes called Right Understanding.

Right Intention is sometimes translated as Right Aspiration or Right Thought.

Right Speech is communicating in ways that promote harmony and understanding.

Right Action is action that springs from compassion without selfish attachment.

Right Livelihood is earning a living in a way that does not compromise the Precepts or harm anyone.

Right Effort or Right Diligence is the practice of developing wholesome qualities

Right Mindfulness is a whole body-and-mind awareness of the present moment.

Right Concentration requires meditation to focus the mind & clear.

These goodies come from my “Adventures in Consciousness Life Coaching” Program. Over the next few months I’m about to release my Membership site so you can access my “12 System Alignment” e-program, followed by my “Complete e-Astrology Course”. And then the Adventures Program! Yay I am finally doing it my friends as I also join the e-revolution to spread my work far and wide. Please stay tuned for your inbox on this PLUS my invitation for you to join me in the USA in September.

Mars continues his run through Gemini during May and by late month he dances with Venus & Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Sag. Quite the busy combo here that can offer completion & release of projects you’ve been slowing developing over the past 6 months. The trick is to stay clear & objective & patient as these guys can also bring the urge to spit the dummy with authority figures & limiting ‘others’, and with Uranus involved there can be exciting & unexpected ingredients that spin you forward into brand new territory.

The New Moon @ 4 degrees Gemini on May 26th opens Stage 3 of the Natural Year. We’ve had a precursor to the busy Gemini communications & networking energies from Mars in Gem over recent weeks so as we head into June it’s time to upgrade our IT solutions, expand our networks and get out and about physically and mentally…more on this in next letter.

Stay positive my friends – keep dreaming & believing that these current crazy challenging times are part of the ‘healing crisis’ that is leading us toward  revolution between the old values that run our world and a healthy sustainable future. It’s up to us to make a difference so this can happen. Blessings & love to all Maggie

LOTS more info & insights re these major shifts in my 2017 Global Report & Horoscopes…

Upcoming Workshops & Trainings

After a nice few months off to rest & restore I’m all set to teach some Astrology!! Saturday 10th June “The Wonders & Workings of Eclipses” Eclipses of the Sun and the Moon are common phenomena within the Cosmic features that regulate natural growth cycles in our world.  So why is it that these visual events more than any other have always held fascination and fear since ancient times?  We will focus on their 19 year cycles in your life, & particularly on the August 21st Total Solar Eclipse in Leo as it hits Mr Trump’s chart and it’s path passes over the USA for the first time since 1642!!

Saturday 8th July The Solar Return or Annual Birthday Chart …is the return of the Sun to its own place marking the start of a new cycle to supply the horoscope with a fresh charge of energy. It provides an ‘overview’ of the themes in play for the year ahead, and yes there is also a cycle to our Solar Returns over 8 year periods! I will provide 8 Return Charts for you once you’ve booked and given me your birth details. Yet another fascinating area to support our conscious activity year by year.

Mail me if you’d like to book in Venus is in Carrara on the Gold Coast $80 from 10am to 4.30pm All Welcome!!